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Proverbs, Chapter 12:


Verses from Proverbs Chapter 12 from the book of Proverbs in the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament
  • 1. The love of discipline is demonstrated by those who seek knowledge, but he who rejects correction shows his folly.
  • 2. He who is righteous finds favor with the Lord, but the Lord condemns the malicious plans of him who does evil.
  • 3. Wickedness cannot sustain anyone, but the righteous remain firm, unshakable.
  • 4. An exemplary woman is a crown for her husband, but one who acts shamefully is like a disease that consumes the bones.
  • 5. The plans of the righteous are right and true, but the counsel of the wicked is deceitful and false.
  • 6. The words of the wicked are a deadly trap, but when the righteous speak, they bring deliverance and salvation.
  • 7. The wicked are destroyed and disappear, but the house of the righteous remains firm and secure.
  • 8. Man is praised and respected for his wisdom, but he who has a wicked heart is despised.
  • 9. It is better to be humble and have servants than to pretend to be important and go hungry.
  • 10. The righteous take good care of their flocks, while even the seemingly kind actions of the wicked can hide cruelty.
  • 11. He who works his land will be rewarded with abundance, but he who pursues illusions demonstrates his lack of discernment.
  • 12. The wicked covet evil-harvested booty, but the roots of the righteous flourish in prosperity.
  • 13. Evil words lead the wicked to ruin, but the righteous avoid falling into these traps.
  • 14. What a wise man says bears fruit and brings benefits, and the work of his hands will be rewarded.
  • 15. The path followed by a fool seems right in his eyes, but a wise man listens to advice and guides himself better.
  • 16. A fool immediately reveals his displeasure, but a prudent man ignores the insult and does not react impulsively.
  • 17. A faithful witness gives honest testimony, while a false witness tells lies and deceives.
  • 18. There are words that hurt like a sharp sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing and restoration.
  • 19. Lips that speak the truth remain forever, but a lying tongue is soon exposed.
  • 20. Those who plot evil are lost in their own devices, but those who promote peace find joy and well-being.
  • 21. No harm will come to the righteous, but the wicked are surrounded by troubles and difficulties.
  • 22. The Lord hates lying lips, but delights in those who speak the truth sincerely.
  • 23. A prudent man does not boast of his knowledge, but the hearts of fools overflow with foolishness and arrogance.
  • 24. Diligent hands will rule and prosper, but the lazy will become slaves to their own inertia.
  • 25. Anxiety in a man's heart depresses him, but a kind word cheers him up and invigorates him.
  • 26. An honest man is cautious in choosing his friendships, but the path of the wicked leads them to destruction.
  • 27. The lazy person does not take advantage of the opportunities that arise, but the diligent person values his possessions and reaps the fruits of his efforts.
  • 28. In the path of righteousness lies true life; This is the path that keeps us from death and the snares of evil.

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