Aguarde Carregando

Numbers, Chapter 33:


Number Verses, Chapter 33 of the Bible's Book of Numbers.

Numbers - Old Testament
Numbers – Old Testament

The journey of the people in the desert

  • 1. They left Ramesses on the fifteenth day of the first month. The day after the Passover, the Israelites came out triumphant in the eyes of all the Egyptians, while they were burying the firstborn whom the Lord had smitten, for the Lord had exercised judgment on their gods.
  • 2. They left Ramesses and camped in Succoth.
  • 3. They left Succoth and camped in Ethan, which is on the edge of the desert.
  • 4. They left Ethan and returned to Pi-Hairoth, before Baal-zephon, where they camped before Migdol.
  • 5. They left Pi-Hairoth and crossed the middle of the sea into the desert. They journeyed three days through the desert of Ethan and camped in Marah.
  • 6. They left Marah and came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees, and they camped there.
  • 7. They left Elim and camped by the Red Sea.
  • 8. They left the Red Sea and camped in the wilderness of Sin.
  • 9. They left the wilderness of Sin and camped in Dofca.
  • 10. They left Dofca and camped in Alus.
  • 11. They left Alus and camped in Rephidim, where there was no water for the people to drink.
  • 12. They left Rephidim and camped in the Sinai desert.
  • 13. They left the Sinai desert and camped in Kibroth-hataavah.
  • 14. They departed from Kibroth-Hataavah and camped in Hazeroth.
  • 15. They left Hazeroth and camped in Ritmah.
  • 16. They left Ritmá and camped in Rimom-Peres.
  • 17. They left Rimmon-Peres and camped in Libnah.
  • 18. They left Libnah and camped in Risha.
  • 19. They left Risha and camped in Chelath.
  • 20. They left Chelath and camped on Mount Sefer.
  • 21. They left Mount Sefer and camped in Harada.
  • 22. They left Harada and camped in Macheloth.
  • 23. They left Macheloth and camped in Tahath.
  • 24. They left Tahath and camped in Tara.
  • 25. They left Tara and camped in Mitca.
  • 26. They left Mitca and camped in Hasmona.
  • 27. They left Hasmona and camped in Moserote.
  • 28. They left Moseroth and camped in Bene-jaakan.
  • 29. They left Bene-jaakan and camped in Hor-Hagidgad.
  • 30. They left Hor-Hagidgad and camped in Jothbatah.
  • 31. They left Jothbatah and camped in Abronah.
  • 32. They left Abronah and camped in Ezion-geber.
  • 33. They left Ezion-geber and camped in the wilderness of Zin.
  • 34. They left the desert of Zin and camped in Kadesh.
  • 35. They left Kadesh and camped on Mount Hor, on the border of Edom.
  • 36. The Lord commanded Aaron the priest to go up to Mount Hor, on the border of Edom, and die there. Aaron did as the Lord commanded him and died there, in the fortieth year of the Israelites' departure from Egypt, in the fifth month, on the first day of the month.
  • 37. Aaron was one hundred and twenty-three years old when he died on Mount Hor.
  • 38. The king of Arad, the Canaanite who lived in the Negev, heard that the Israelites were coming.
  • 39. They left Mount Hor and camped in Zalmonah.
  • 40. They left Zalmoná and camped in Punom.
  • 41. They left Punnon and camped in Obote.
  • 42. They left Obote and camped in Ije-Abarim, on the border of Moab.
  • 43. They left Ije-Abarim and camped in Dibon-Gad.
  • 44. They left Dibon-Gad and camped in Almon-Diblataim.
  • 45. They left Almon-diblataim and camped in the mountains of Abarim, opposite Nebo.
  • 46. They left the mountains of Abarim and camped in the plains of Moab, by the Jordan, near Jericho.
  • 47. There, by the Jordan, near Jericho, the Lord spoke to Moses:
  • 48. “Tell the Israelites that when they cross the Jordan and enter the land of Canaan,
  • 49. they will drive out all the inhabitants of the land before you. Destroy all their carved images, destroy all their idols and demolish all their altars.
  • 50. Take possession of the land and dwell in it, for I have given you the land to be your possession.
  • 51. Divide the land by lot, according to the number of tribes. To those who are many, give a larger portion; to those who are few, give a smaller portion. The land will be divided by lot. Each one will receive his portion according to the tribes of his ancestors.
  • 52. Divide the land according to the lot before the Lord, for the land that will be distributed among you is his.
  • 53. But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land before you, those you let survive will become thorns in your eyes and thorns in your sides. They will trouble you in the land where you are living.
  • 54. And I will do to you what I planned to do to them.”
  • 55. However, if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you let survive will become thorns in your eyes and will make you suffer in the land where you live.
  • 56. And so, as I had planned to do to them, I will do to you.”

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