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Leviticus, Chapter 6:


Verses from Leviticus, Chapter 6 of the book of Leviticus of the Bible.

Leviticus - Old Testament
Leviticus – Old Testament
  • 1. And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
  • 2. When anyone sins and commits transgression against the Lord, and denies to his neighbor what was given to him for safekeeping, or what was given to him to keep, or steals, or finds something lost, and denies it, and swears falsely about something like this that a man does, sinning in it;
  • 3. Then it will be that, having sinned thus, and become guilty, he will restore what he stole, or what he received in pledge, or the deposit that was given to him to keep, or the lost thing that he found,
  • 4. Or everything about which he swore falsely; according to his esteem, he will restore it, and add the fifth part thereof, and give it to him to whom it belongs, on the day of his atonement.
  • 5. And for your guilt you shall bring your sin offering to the Lord, a ram without blemish from the flock, according to your esteem, for a sin offering to the priest.
  • 6. And the priest will make atonement for him before the Lord, and he will be forgiven everything in which he has committed guilt.
  • 7. The Lord also spoke to Moses, saying:

The holocausts

  • 8. Give this command to Aaron and his sons, saying: This is the law of the burnt offering; the burnt offering will be burned on the altar all night until the morning, and the fire from the altar will burn on it.
  • 9. And the priest shall put on his linen garment, and shall put on linen breeches upon his flesh, and shall take the ashes, when the fire hath consumed the burnt offering upon the altar, and shall lay it by the altar.
  • 10. Then he will take off his clothes and put on other clothes, and take the ashes outside the camp to a clean place.
  • 11. And the fire will burn continually on the altar; it will not go out.
  • 12. And the priest shall burn wood upon it every morning, and shall arrange the burnt offering upon it, and shall burn upon it the fat of the peace offerings.
  • 13. The fire will burn continually on the altar; it will not go out.

The grain offering

  • 14. And this is the law of the meat offering: Aaron's sons shall offer it before the Lord before the altar.
  • 15. And he shall take from it a handful of the fine flour of the meat offering, and of its oil, and all the incense that is on the meat offering, and burn it on the altar for a sweet savor as a memorial to the Lord.
  • 16. And the rest of it shall Aaron and his sons eat; without yeast it will be eaten in the holy place; they will eat it in the courtyard of the tent of meeting.
  • 17. It shall not be baked leavened; I have given his part of my burnt offerings; It is a most holy thing, as the expiation of sin and as the expiation of guilt.
  • 18. Every man among Aaron's sons shall eat it; for a statute for ever throughout your generations of the Lord's offerings by fire; everything that touches them will be holy.
  • 19. The Lord said to Moses:
  • 20. This is the offering of Aaron and his sons, which they will offer to the Lord on the day they are anointed: a tenth of an ephah of fine flour, a perpetual meat offering, half of it in the morning and half of it in the morning. afternoon.
  • 21. In a dish to be cooked, it will be done with oil; the baked offering shall be brought in the oven; the meat offering shall be brought in pieces, a sweet aroma to the Lord.
  • 22. And the priest who is anointed among his sons in his place shall offer it; perpetual statute is from the Lord; it will all burn up.
  • 23. And the whole priesthood offering shall be burned; it will not be eaten.

The sin offering

  • 24. The Lord said to Moses:
  • 25. Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying: This is the law of sin: in the place where the burnt offering is slaughtered, sin will be slaughtered before the Lord; It is a most holy thing.
  • 26. The priest who offers it as atonement shall eat it; It will be eaten in the holy place, in the courtyard of the tent of meeting.
  • 27. Everything that touches your flesh will be sanctified; and if his blood beads on your clothes, you shall wash them in the holy place where they wash.
  • 28. And the earthen vessel in which it is cooked will break; but if it was cooked in a copper vessel, it will be rubbed and washed with water.
  • 29. Every man among the priests shall eat of it; It is a most holy thing.
  • 30. But no guilt offering, the blood of which is brought into the tent of meeting, to be made in the sanctuary, shall be eaten; in the fire he will burn.

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