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Judges, Chapter 5:


Verses from Judges, Chapter 5 of the book of Judges in the Bible.

Judges - Old Testament
Judges – Old Testament

Deborah's song

  • 1. On that day, Deborah and Barak, son of Abinoam, sang this song:
  • 2. “Prepare for war, O leaders of Israel. Voluntarily the people rise up. Praise the Lord!
  • 3. “Listen, O kings! Rulers, listen! I will sing to the Lord, I will sing; I will compose music to the Lord, the God of Israel.
  • 4. “O Lord, when you left Seir, when you advanced from the fields of Edom, the earth shook, the heavens opened, the clouds poured out water!
  • 5. The mountains shook before the Lord, the God of Sinai, before the Lord, the God of Israel.
  • 6. “In the days of Shamgar son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the roads were empty; travelers followed tortuous paths.
  • 7. The people of Israel were weakened, they were weakened until I, Deborah, rose up; a mother in Israel stood up.
  • 8. When they chose new gods, war approached the gates, and there was not a shield or spear among forty thousand in Israel.
  • 9. My heart is with the leaders of Israel, with the volunteers of the people. Praise the Lord!
  • 10. “You who ride on white donkeys, who sit on luxurious carpets, who walk the roads, listen!
  • 11. Where water is distributed in drinking fountains, there the righteous proclaim the works of the Lord, the righteous works in favor of the people of Israel. Then the Lord's people went down to the gates.
  • 12. “Wake up, Deborah! Awaken! Awaken, awake, sing! Get up, Barak! Take your prisoners captive, O son of Abinoam!”
  • 13. Then the rest of the people went down and joined the nobles; the people of the Lord came to me against the mighty.
  • 14. Some came from Ephraim, from the land of Amalek; Benjamin was among the people you led. From Makir came the commanders; of Zebulun, those who carry the staff of authority.
  • 15. The leaders of Issachar were with Deborah; yes, Issachar was also with Barak, running after him in the valley. In Reuben there were divisions, a lot of discussion.
  • 16. Why did you stand among the fires, listening to the bleating of the flocks? In Reuben there was a lot of indecision.
  • 17. Gilead remained on the other side of the Jordan. And Dan, why did he stay by the ships? Asher stayed on the coast, in his coves.
  • 18. The people of Zebulun risked their lives, as did Naphtali in the open hills.
  • 19. “The kings came and fought, the kings of Canaan fought in Taanach, by the waters of Megiddo, but they took no silver, they did not get any spoils.
  • 20. The stars fought from the heavens, from their orbits they fought against Sisera.
  • 21. The river Kishon swept them away, the ancient river, the river Kishon. Advance, O my soul! Be strong!
  • 22. The horses' hooves shook the earth, they ran, their mighty horses ran.
  • 23. “Curse Meroz,” said the angel of the Lord. “Curse its inhabitants, because they did not come to help the Lord, to help the Lord against the powerful.”
  • 24. May Jael be blessed among women, Jael, wife of Heber the Kenite! May she be blessed among women who live in tents!
  • 25. He asked for water, and she gave him milk; in the cup of the nobles he offered him curds.
  • 26. With her hand she took the tent peg, and with her right hand the workers' hammer. It struck Sisera, went through his head, crushed and pierced his temples.
  • 27. At his feet she bowed, fell, lay down. At his feet she bowed, fell; where he fell, there he lies dead.
  • 28. “Sisera’s mother looked through the window; through the bars she lamented: 'Why does your car take so long to arrive? Why are your horses' hooves so slow?'
  • 29. The wisest of her ladies-in-waiting respond, and she continues talking to herself:
  • 30. 'Will they be finding and dividing the spoils? One or two women for every man, colorful clothes as booty for Sisera, colorful and embroidered clothes for my neck, all this as booty?'
  • 31. So may all your enemies perish, O Lord! But those who love you may be like the sun when it rises in all its strength.”
  • 32. And the land had peace for forty years.

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