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Judges, Chapter 18:


Verses from Judges, Chapter 18 of the book of Judges in the Bible.

Judges - Old Testament
Judges – Old Testament

The tribe of Dan settles in Laish

  • 1. At that time, there was no king in Israel, and the tribe of Dan was looking for a place to settle, as they had not yet received their inheritance among the tribes of Israel.
  • 2. Then they sent five warriors from Zorah and Eshtaol to explore the land and check it. These men represented all the clans of the tribe. They said to them, “Go, explore the land.” The men arrived at the mountains of Ephraim and went to Raul's house, where they spent the night.
  • 3. When they were near Raul's house, they recognized the voice of the young Levite. They approached him and asked, “Who brought you here? What are you doing here? Why are you in this place?”
  • 4. The young man told them what Raul had done for him and said, “He hired me as a priest.”
  • 5. Then they asked, “Consult God and see if our journey will be successful.”
  • 6. The priest answered them: “Go in peace. Your journey has the approval of the Lord.”
  • 7. The five men set out and arrived at Laish, where they saw that the people lived in security, like the Sidonians, carefree and peaceful, and enjoyed prosperity. Their land lacked nothing. They also saw that the people were separated from the Sidonians and had no relations with any other people.
  • 8. When they returned to Zorah and Eshtaol, their brothers asked them, “What have you discovered?”
  • 9. They replied, “Let us attack them! We saw that the land is very good. Why are you standing there? Don't hesitate to go and conquer it.
  • 10. When you get there, you will find carefree people and a spacious land that God has given into your hands, a land that lacks nothing!”
  • 11. Then six hundred men of the tribe of Dan departed from Zorah and Eshtaol, prepared for war.
  • 12. During their journey, they camped near Kiriath-jearim in Judah. To this day, that place west of Kiriath-jearim is called the Field of Dan.
  • 13. From there they went to the mountains of Ephraim and came to Raul's house.
  • 14. The five men who had explored the land of Laish said to their brothers, “Did you know that in one of these houses there is a priest's robe, family idols, a carved image, and a metal idol? Now you know what to do.”
  • 15. Then they approached and went to the young Levite's house, Raul's house, and greeted him.
  • 16. The six hundred men of Dan, prepared for war, stood near the gate.
  • 17. The five men who had explored the land went in and took the image, the priest's robe, the family idols, and the metal idol, while the priest and the six hundred armed men stood near the door.
  • 18. When the men entered Raoul's house and took the image, the priest's robe, the family idols, and the metal idol, the priest asked them, “What are you doing?”
  • 19. They replied, “Silence! Do not say anything. Come with us and be our father and priest. Is it not better to serve as a priest for a tribe and clan of Israel than for just one man’s family?”
  • 20. Then the priest rejoiced, took the priest's robe, the family idols and the carved image, and joined the troop.
  • 21. Putting their children, their animals and their belongings in front, they set out back.
  • 22. When they were some distance from the house, the men who lived near Raul were summoned and caught up with Dan's men.
  • 23. Shouting after them, they caught up with them and asked Raul, “What is the matter with you? Why did you call men to battle?”
  • 24. He replied, “You are taking away the gods I made and my priest. What else do I have left? And they still ask, 'What's your problem?'”
  • 25. The men of Dan replied, “Do not argue with us, or men with violent tempers may attack you and you and your family will lose your lives.”
  • 26. So the men of Dan went their way. Seeing that they were stronger than him, Raul returned home.
  • 27. The men of Dan took what Raul had made and his priest, and went to Laish, a city of peaceful and carefree people. They killed everyone with the edge of the sword and set the city on fire.
  • 28. The men of Dan rebuilt the city and settled there. There was no one to deliver them, as they lived far from Sidon and had no relations with any other people. The city was in a valley that extended as far as Beth-rehob.
  • 29. They named the city formerly called Laish Dan, in honor of their ancestor Dan, son of Israel.
  • 30. They set up the idol for themselves, and Jonathan, son of Gershon, grandson of Moses, and his descendants were priests for the tribe of Dan until the exile.
  • 31. So they kept the idol made by Raul all the time that the sanctuary of God was in Shiloh.

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