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Joshua, Chapter 6:


Joshua Verses, Chapter 6 of the Book of Joshua of the Bible.

Joshua - Old Testament
Joshua – Old Testament
  • 1. Jericho was completely surrounded by the Israelites. No one left or entered.
  • 2. Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Know that I have handed over Jericho, its king and its soldiers, to you.
  • 3. March once around the city with all men armed. Do this for six days.
  • 4. Seven priests will go before the ark, each with a ram's horn trumpet. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, and the priests blow the trumpets.
  • 5. When the trumpets sound a long blast, all the people will give a loud shout. Then the city wall will fall, and the people will attack from wherever they are.
  • 6. Joshua son of Nun called the priests and said, “Take the ark of the covenant of the Lord. Seven of you will go ahead with the trumpets.”
  • 7. He also commanded the people: “Advance! March around the city! Armed soldiers will go before the ark of the Lord.”
  • 8. When Joshua finished speaking to the people, the seven priests carrying the trumpets went out ahead, blowing the trumpets. The ark of the covenant of the Lord followed behind them.
  • 9. The armed soldiers marched ahead of the priests with trumpets, and the rest of the soldiers followed the ark. All the while, the trumpets continued to blow.
  • 10. However, Joshua had ordered the people: “Do not shout, do not raise your voice, do not say a single word until I give the signal. Then you will scream!”
  • 11. So the ark of the Lord surrounded the city, making a complete circle. Afterwards, the people returned to the camp and spent the night there.
  • 12. The next morning Joshua got up and the priests carried the ark of the Lord.
  • 13. The seven priests with trumpets went in front of the ark, blowing the trumpets. The armed soldiers went before them, and the rest of the army followed the ark of the Lord while the trumpets continued to blow.
  • 14. On the second day, they surrounded the city once more and returned to the camp. They repeated this pattern for six days.
  • 15. On the seventh day, they got up at dawn and marched around the city seven times. On that day alone they surrounded the city seven times.
  • 16. On the seventh round, when the priests sounded the final blow of the trumpets, Joshua commanded the people: “Shout! The Lord has given the city to you!
  • 17. The city and everything in it will be consecrated to the Lord for destruction. Only the prostitute Rahab and everyone in her house will be spared, because she protected the spies we sent.
  • 18. But be careful not to appropriate anything that is consecrated, for this would bring destruction and disgrace to the camp of Israel. Beware of this!
  • 19. All silver, gold, and utensils of bronze and iron are consecrated to the Lord and must be placed in the treasury of the sanctuary.”
  • 20. When the trumpets sounded and the people shouted, the city wall collapsed. Then each one advanced from the place where he was, and conquered the city.
  • 21. They consecrated the city to the Lord, destroying everything with the edge of the sword: men, women, young people, old people, oxen, sheep and donkeys.
  • 22. Joshua said to the two spies who had investigated the land, “Enter the house of the prostitute and take her away from here and all her relatives, according to the oath you swore to her.”
  • 23. Then the two spies went and brought Rahab, her father, her mother, her brothers and all her relatives. They took them outside the camp of Israel and left them in a safe place.
  • 24. Then they set fire to the whole city and everything in it. However, the silver, gold, and bronze and iron utensils were taken into the treasury of the Lord's sanctuary.
  • 25. Joshua spared the lives of Rahab the prostitute and her family because she had protected the spies sent to Jericho. Rahab lives among the Israelites to this day.
  • 26. That day Joshua swore a solemn oath: “Cursed be the sight of the Lord whoever rebuilds the city of Jericho. At the price of his eldest son he will lay the foundation; in the price of his youngest son he will put the doors!”
  • 27. So the Lord was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout the region.

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