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Joshua, Chapter 23:


Joshua Verses, Chapter 23 of the Book of Joshua of the Bible.

Joshua - Old Testament
Joshua – Old Testament

Joshua says goodbye

  • 1. After a long time, when the Lord granted Israel rest from all the enemies around, Joshua, now old and very advanced in years, gathered together all the people of Israel, together with the authorities, leaders, judges and officials.
  • 2. He said to them, “I see that I am old, very old.
  • 3. You yourselves have witnessed everything that the Lord your God did out of love for you, defeating all the nations around you. It was the Lord your God who fought for you.
  • 4. Remember that I allotted to your tribes as an inheritance all the land of the remaining nations, from the Jordan to the great sea in the west.
  • 5. The Lord your God will expel them from your presence and throw them out. You will possess their land, as the Lord promised.
  • 6. Therefore, strive to obey and do everything written in the Book of the Law of Moses, without turning aside to the right or to the left.
  • 7. Do not associate with the nations that are still among you. Do not invoke the names of your gods or swear by them. Do not worship them or prostrate yourself before them.
  • 8. Instead, cling only to the Lord your God, just as you have done to this day.
  • 9. The Lord drove out great and powerful nations before you, and no one has been able to resist you to this day.
  • 10. A single one of you can make a thousand enemies flee, because the Lord your God fights for you, as he promised.
  • 11. Therefore, sincerely love the Lord your God.
  • 12. But if you turn away and ally yourself with the remnant of those nations who are still among you, and marry them and associate with them,
  • 13. Be assured that the Lord your God will no longer drive out these nations from before you. On the contrary, they will become snares and snares, whips on your back and thorns in your eyes, until you disappear from this good land that the Lord your God has given you.
  • 14. Now I am about to go the way of the whole earth. You know in your hearts and souls that none of the good promises that the Lord your God made has gone unfulfilled. They were all fulfilled; none failed.
  • 15. However, just as every good promise of the Lord your God has been fulfilled, so will all the evil that He threatened be fulfilled in you, until you are cut off from this good land that He has given you.
  • 16. If you violate the covenant that the Lord your God has commanded, and turn to worship other gods and bow down before them, the anger of the Lord will burn against you, and you will quickly be expelled from this good land that He has given you. it gave"

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