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Joshua, Chapter 21:


Joshua Verses, Chapter 21 of the Book of Joshua of the Bible.

Joshua - Old Testament
Joshua – Old Testament

The cities of the Levites

  • 1. The leaders of the Levite families approached Eleazar the priest, Joshua son of Nun, and the leaders of the other families of the tribes of Israel
  • 2. in Shiloh, in the land of Canaan, and said: “The Lord commanded us through Moses to give us cities where we can live and pastures for our animals.”
  • 3. Then, according to the Lord's command, the Israelites gave the following cities with their pastures from their own lands to the Levites:
  • 4. The lots were cast first for the Kohathites, family by family. The Levites, who were descendants of the priest Aaron, received thirteen cities from the tribes of Judah, Simeon and Benjamin.
  • 5. The other descendants of Kohath received ten cities from the families of the tribes of Ephraim, Dan and half the tribe of Manasseh.
  • 6. The descendants of Gershom received thirteen cities from the families of the tribes of Issachar, Asher, Naphtali and half of the tribe of Manasseh in Bashan.
  • 7. The descendants of Merari, family by family, received twelve cities from the families of the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Zebulun.
  • 8. So the Israelites gave these cities and their pasturelands to the Levites, as the Lord had commanded through Moses.
  • 9. From the tribes of Judah and Simeon, the Israelites gave the following cities, listed by name:
  • 10. To the descendants of Aaron, of the Kohathite family of the Levites, for luck chose them first:
  • 11. Kiriath-arba, which is Hebron, with its pasture lands around it, in the mountains of Judah. (Arba was the ancestor of the Anakim.)
  • 12. However, the fields and villages around the city were given to Caleb son of Jephunneh as a possession.
  • 13. So the descendants of Aaron the priest were given Hebron, a city of refuge for those accused of murder, Libnah,
  • 14. Jatir, Estemoa,
  • 15. Holom, Debir,
  • 16. Aim, Jutah and Beth Shemesh, each with their respective pastures. There were nine cities given to these two tribes.
  • 17. From the tribe of Benjamin they were given the following cities: Gibeon, Geba,
  • 18. Anathoth and Almon, each with their respective pastures. There were four cities.
  • 19. In total, thirteen cities were given to the descendants of the priest Aaron, with their respective pastures.
  • 20. The other Kohathite clans of the Levites received cities from the tribe of Ephraim.
  • 21. In the mountains of Ephraim they received Shechem, a city of refuge for those accused of murder, Gezer,
  • 22. Kibzaim and Bethhoron, each with their respective pastures. There were four cities.
  • 23. From the tribe of Dan they received Eltek, Gibethon,
  • 24. Aijalon and Gathrimmon, each with their respective pastures. There were four cities.
  • 25. From half the tribe of Manasseh, they received Taanach and Gath Rimmon, each with their respective pastures. There were two cities.
  • 26. In total, ten cities and their pasturelands were given to the other Kohathite clans.
  • 27. The Levite clans of Gershom's family received from half of the tribe of Manasseh: Golan, in Bashan, a city of refuge for those accused of murder, and Beesterah, each with their respective pastures. There were two cities.
  • 28. From the tribe of Issachar they received: Kisimon, Daberath,
  • 29. Jarmuth and En-Ganim, each with their respective pastures. There were four cities.
  • 30. From the tribe of Asher they received: Misal, Abdom,
  • 31. Helcate and Rehob, each with their respective pastures. There were four cities.
  • 32. From the tribe of Naphtali they received: Kedesh, in Galilee, a city of refuge for those accused of murder, Hamoth-dor and Cartan, each with their respective pastures. There were three cities.
  • 33. In total, thirteen cities were given to the Gershonite clans.
  • 34. The Merarite clans, the other Levites, received the following cities: from the tribe of Zebulun, Jocneam, Cartah,
  • 35. Dimna and Naalal, each with their respective pastures. There were four cities.
  • 36. From the tribe of Reuben they received: Bezer, Jaza,
  • 37. Kedemote and Mephaath, each with their respective pastures. There were four cities.
  • 38. From the tribe of Gad they received: Ramoth, a city of refuge for those accused of murder, Mahanaim,
  • 39. Heshbon and Jazar, each with their respective pastures. There were four cities in total.
  • 40. In all, twelve cities were given to the Merarite clans.
  • 41. In total, there were forty-eight cities with their respective pastures that were given to the Levites in the territories of the other tribes of Israel.
  • 42. Each of these cities had pastureland around it.
  • 43. So the Lord gave all the land that he promised on oath to their ancestors, to the Israelites, and they conquered it and settled there.
  • 44. The Lord gave rest to all sides, as he swore to his ancestors. None of their enemies could resist them, for the Lord delivered them all into their hands.
  • 45. Of all the good promises of the Lord to the nation of Israel, none of them failed; all were fulfilled.

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