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Job, Chapter 5:


Verses from Job, Chapter 5 of the book of Job in the Bible.

  • 1. “Cry if you want, but who will answer you? To which of the celestial beings will you turn?
  • 2. Anger destroys a fool, and zeal consumes a fool.
  • 3. I myself have seen a fool take root, but suddenly his house was cursed.
  • 4. Your children are far from any security, oppressed in the courts, with no one to defend them.
  • 5. The hungry devour your harvest, even among the thorns, and the thirsty suck your wealth.
  • 6. For suffering does not spring from the dust, and trouble does not arise from the earth.
  • 7. However, man is born to face difficulties just as sparks fly upwards.
  • 8. “If I were you, I would turn to God and present my case to Him.
  • 9. He performs unfathomable wonders, miracles that cannot be counted.
  • 10. He pours rain on the earth and sends water on the fields.
  • 11. He exalts the humble and brings comfort to those who mourn.
  • 12. He frustrates the plans of the cunning, so that their hands do not succeed.
  • 13. He catches the wise in their own craftiness, and the plots of the cunning are foiled by their rashness.
  • 14. Darkness falls on them in broad daylight; at noon they grope as if it were night.
  • 15. He rescues the afflicted from the sharp tongue, and saves the needy from the hand of the mighty.
  • 16. Therefore, the poor have hope, and injustice closes its mouth.
  • 17. “How happy is the man whom God corrects! Therefore, do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.
  • 18. For he wounds, but he also heals; he hurts, but his hands also bring relief.
  • 19. In six afflictions he will deliver him; yes, in seven, no evil will touch him.
  • 20. In famine he will rescue you from death, and in war from the sword.
  • 21. You will be protected from the scourge of the tongue and will not be afraid of destruction when it comes.
  • 22. He will laugh at destruction and famine, and will not fear the wild beasts of the earth.
  • 23. For you will make a covenant with the stones of the field, and the wild animals will be at peace with you.
  • 24. You will know that your tent is safe; He will count his possessions and find nothing missing.
  • 25. You will know that you will have many children, and your descendants will be like the grass of the earth.
  • 26. You will go to the grave in full strength, like a sheaf of wheat gathered at the right time.
  • 27. “We verified this, and it is true. So listen and apply it to your own life.”

Bíblia Online

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