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Job, Chapter 41:


Verses from Job, Chapter 41 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament
  • 1. “Can you catch Leviathan with a hook, or tie his tongue with a rope?
  • 2. Can you put a string through your nose or put a hook through your chin?
  • 3. Will he beg for mercy or speak sweet words to you?
  • 4. Will he make a deal with you to be his slave forever?
  • 5. You will tame him like a bird, or put a collar in his mouth for your daughters b. play with him?
  • 6. Will the traders sell it, or divide it among the merchants?
  • 7. Can you fill your skin with harpoons and your head with fishing spears?
  • 8. If you touch it, you will never forget it; any attempt to confront him will be futile.
  • 9. The hope of overcoming him is vain; just seeing it is terrifying.
  • 10. No one is brave enough to wake you up. Who then can resist me?
  • 11. Who gave me something first so that I can pay him back? Everything under the heavens belongs to me.
  • 12. “I will not fail to speak of your parts, your strength and your grace.
  • 13. Who is capable of tearing off his outer shell? Who would approach him with a bridle?
  • 14. Who would dare open the door of his mouth, full of fearsome teeth?
  • 15. Its body is made up of rows of shields, tightly united and firm.
  • 16. They are so close that not even air can pass between them.
  • 17. They are linked to each other, inseparable.
  • 18. Your breath produces lights, your eyes shine like the dawn.
  • 19. Sparks fly out of his mouth; flames of fire leap out.
  • 20. Smoke comes out of his nostrils, as from a boiling pot over a fire of reeds.
  • 21. His breath kindles coals, and flames come out of his mouth.
  • 22. His strength resides in his neck, and terror precedes him.
  • 23. The flesh of his body is firmly united; It's so solid it doesn't move.
  • 24. Your chest is hard as stone, firm as the base of a millstone.
  • 25. When he rises, the mighty tremble; they flee in terror from his blows.
  • 26. The sword does not hurt him, nor the spear, nor the arrow, nor the javelin.
  • 27. He regards iron as straw and bronze as rotten wood.
  • 28. Arrows do not frighten him, stones in slings are like chaff to him.
  • 29. The club seems to him like brittle straw, and he mocks the hissing of the spear.
  • 30. Your belly is like shards of pottery, leaving a deep track in the mud.
  • 31. He makes the deep boil like a cauldron, stirring up the sea like a pot of ointment.
  • 32. Leaves a luminous trail behind, making the sea a whirlwind of foam.
  • 33. Nothing on earth can be compared to him; It's a fearless creature!
  • 34. He regards all the haughty with disdain; He is king over all the proud.”

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