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Job, Chapter 4:


Verses from Job, Chapter 4 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament


  • 1. Then Eliphaz of Teman answered, saying:
  • 2. “If someone dares to talk to you, will you become impatient? But who can contain the words?
  • 3. See! You taught many, strengthened weak hands.
  • 4. His words were a support for those who stumbled; you strengthened your wobbly knees.
  • 5. Now that you face affliction, become discouraged; when he is hit, he is knocked down.
  • 6. Is not your piety a reason for confidence? Does your blameless path not bring you hope?
  • 7. “Reflect now: who, being innocent, has already perished? Where are the righteous who were destroyed?
  • 8. According to what I have seen, those who sow iniquity and do evil also reap the same fate.
  • 9. By the breath of God they are destroyed; by the wind of his wrath they are consumed.
  • 10. The roars of lions cease, and the teeth of strong lions are broken.
  • 11. The lion perishes for lack of prey, and the lioness's cubs are scattered.
  • 12. “A word was whispered to me, and my ear caught a whisper of it.
  • 13. Amid night visions, when deep sleep falls upon men,
  • 14. fear and trembling overcame me, making all my bones tremble.
  • 15. A spirit passed before me, and the hairs on my body stood on end.
  • 16. He stopped, but I could not discern his appearance; A figure stood before my eyes, and I heard a whispering voice:
  • 17. 'Can a human being be more just than God? Can a mortal be purer than his Creator?
  • 18. If God does not trust even his servants, and attributes errors to his angels,
  • 19. how much more so to those who live in houses of clay, whose foundations are in the dust, who are crushed more easily than a moth!
  • 20. From morning until evening they are destroyed, without anyone noticing; they perish forever without obtaining wisdom.'
  • 21. Is it not right for your tent cords to be torn down? They die without acquiring wisdom.”

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