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Job, Chapter 37:


Verses from Job, Chapter 37 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament
  • 1. “My heart trembles at this and jumps out of its place.
  • 2. Listen! Pay attention to the boom of his voice, the thunder that comes out of his mouth.
  • 3. He sends his lightning across the entire expanse of the heavens; they illuminate the ends of the earth.
  • 4. After that the boom of his voice resounds, thundering with majesty. When your voice echoes, nothing makes you back down.
  • 5. God's voice thunders with power, he performs great deeds that surpass our understanding.
  • 6. He says to the snow, 'Fall upon the earth,' and to the rain, 'Be a heavy downpour.'
  • 7. He prevents all men from doing their work, so that everyone knows their work.
  • 8. Wild beasts retreat into their dens and take shelter in their hiding places.
  • 9. The storm comes out of its chamber, and the cold comes from the winds.
  • 10. The breath of God generates ice, and the waters freeze in the depths.
  • 11. He also charges the clouds with moisture, scattering his lightning among them.
  • 12. They move in circles under God's direction, fulfilling everything they are commanded, throughout the inhabited earth.
  • 13. He uses them to discipline men, whether for punishment or to water the land and demonstrate his love.
  • 14. “Listen, Job, and pay attention to the wonders of God.
  • 15. Do you know how God commands the clouds and makes his lightning shine?
  • 16. Do you understand how the clouds float, these miracles from him who has perfect knowledge?
  • 17. You, who faint from the heat in your clothes, when the earth grows hot under the south wind,
  • 18. Could it help you to stretch out the heavens, firm as a bronze mirror?
  • 19. “Tell us what we should say to him; We cannot formulate our defense because of the darkness.
  • 20. Will someone tell you what you want to hear, asking to be devoured?
  • 21. No one can look at the bright sun in the heavens after the wind cleans them.
  • 22. From the north comes a golden light, and God comes with terrible majesty.
  • 23. The Almighty is beyond our reach; he is exalted in power, but in his justice and righteousness he oppresses no one.
  • 24. Therefore men fear him; does he not pay attention to those who consider themselves wise in heart?”

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