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Job, Chapter 3:


Verses from Job, Chapter 3 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament

Job regrets

  • 1. After this, Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth,
  • 2. saying:
  • 3. “May the day on which I was born perish, and the night on which they said, 'A child is born!'
  • 4. May that day be turned into darkness, and God from above will not recognize it; don't shine the light on it.
  • 5. Cover it with shadows and thick darkness, and let clouds surround it; May the terror of darkness overwhelm you.
  • 6. Let the deepest darkness take place that night! Let it not be counted among the days of the year, nor be included in the months of the calendar.
  • 7. Let that night be barren, and no shout of joy fill it.
  • 8. May those who curse the days, those who are able to awaken Leviathan, curse that day.
  • 9. May the dawn stars go out; may he wait in vain for the light of the sun, and may he not see the first rays of the morning;
  • 10. because that night did not close the doors of the mother's womb to protect me from the evils that I face.
  • 11. “Why didn't I die at birth and expire when I left the womb?
  • 12. Why were there knees to receive me and breasts to breastfeed me?
  • 13. Now I could be at rest, asleep and at peace,
  • 14. with the kings and counselors of the earth, who built themselves places in ruins,
  • 15. with the rulers who had gold, who filled their houses with silver.
  • 16. Why wasn't I buried like an aborted child, like a baby that never saw the light of day?
  • 17. There the wicked stir no more, and the weary find rest;
  • 18. prisoners also enjoy tranquility, no longer hearing the screams of their oppressors.
  • 19. There are the simple and the powerful, and the slave is free from his master.
  • 20. “For light is given to those who suffer, and life to those who are bitter in soul,
  • 21. to those who long for death, and it does not come, and seek it more than hidden treasures,
  • 22. to those who rejoice when they find the tomb?
  • 23. Why is life granted to those whose path is uncertain, to whom God closes the exits?
  • 24. Sighs come upon me instead of food; my moans spill out like water.
  • 25. What I feared has come true; what I feared came upon me.
  • 26. I have no peace, no tranquility, no rest; I’m just worried.”

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