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Job, Chapter 27:


Verses from Job, Chapter 27 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament
  • 1. And Job continued in his speech:
  • 2. “By the living God, who denied me justice, by the Almighty, who embittered my soul,
  • 3. as long as there is breath in me, as long as the breath of God is in my nostrils,
  • 4. My lips will not utter injustice, and my tongue will not speak falsehood.
  • 5. Far be it from me to argue with you! Until death, I will not give up my integrity.
  • 6. I will continue to maintain my righteousness and will never abandon it; my conscience will not blame me as long as I live.
  • 7. “Let my enemies be treated as wicked, and my adversaries as unjust!
  • 8. For what is the hope of the wicked, when he is cut off, when God takes his life?
  • 9. Will God hear your cry when adversity comes upon him?
  • 10. Will you delight in the Almighty and cry out to God at all times?
  • 11. “I will teach you about the power of God; I will not hide the plans of the Almighty from you.
  • 12. Indeed, you have all seen it; Why, then, utter empty words?
  • 13. “This is the destiny that God reserves for the wicked, the inheritance that the cruel receives from the Almighty:
  • 14. Although he has many sons, they will be struck down by the sword; your descendants will not have enough bread.
  • 15. His plague will bury those who remain, and their widows will not mourn for them.
  • 16. Even if he crushed silver like dust and gathered clothes like clay,
  • 17. it would be the righteous who would wear them, and the innocent would divide the silver.
  • 18. The house he builds is like a spider's web, like a shelter made by a sentry.
  • 19. He lies down rich, but he will be no more; When you open your eyes, everything will be gone.
  • 20. Terror will hit you like a flood; the storm will take him away in the night.
  • 21. The east wind will carry him away, and he will hasten away from his dwelling.
  • 22. He will be thrown at him without mercy, as he tries to flee in haste before his power.
  • 23. People will clap their hands against him and whistle him out of his place.”

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