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Job, Chapter 24:


Verses from Job, Chapter 24 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament
  • 1. “Why doesn’t the Almighty set deadlines for judgment? Why do those who know him not see his days?
  • 2. There are those who change the boundaries, steal flocks and pasture them.
  • 3. They take the orphans' donkeys and take the widow's ox as a pledge.
  • 4. They lead the needy away from the path, they make the poor of the earth hide.
  • 5. Like wild donkeys in the desert, they go out in search of food, they seek sustenance for their children.
  • 6. In the fields they gather pasture and glean in the vineyards of the wicked.
  • 7. They spend the night naked, without clothes, without having anything to cover themselves in the cold.
  • 8. They are soaked by the rain from the mountains, they take shelter in the rocks due to lack of shelter.
  • 9. They snatch orphaned children from their breasts and take the newborn baby of the poor as a pawn.
  • 10. They walk around naked, without clothes, they carry bundles, but they are still hungry.
  • 11. In their fields they crush olives, they tread grapes in the presses, but they are thirsty.
  • 12. From the city, the lament of the injured can be heard, those who are on the verge of death cry for help, but God does not respond.
  • 13. “There are those who rebel against the light, do not recognize its ways, do not remain in its paths.
  • 14. At dawn, the murderer gets up, kills the poor and needy; At night he acts like a thief.
  • 15. The adulterer waits for the twilight, saying, 'No eye will see me,' and hides his face.
  • 16. In the darkness they invade houses, during the day they hide; They don't care about the light.
  • 17. For the morning light is like gloomy darkness to all; they are friends of the dark terror.
  • 18. “They are like foam on the surface of the water; their portion on earth is cursed, and no one goes to their vineyards.
  • 19. Like snow melted by heat, so the grave consumes sinners.
  • 20. Their mother forgets about them, worms feast on her body. No one remembers the bad anymore; they break like trees.
  • 21. They devour the barren and childless woman, they have no compassion for the widow.
  • 22. But God, by his strength, sustains the mighty; although they feel safe, their life is not guaranteed.
  • 23. God will let them rest in confidence, but their eyes will be attentive to their paths.
  • 24. For a moment they are exalted, but they disappear and are reaped like all others; they are cut like ripe ears.
  • 25. “If this is not so, who can prove that I am lying and nullify my words?”

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