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Job, Chapter 22:


Verses from Job, Chapter 22 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament


  • 1. Then Eliphaz of Teman answered:
  • 2. “Can a man be useful to God? Or, even if he is wise, can he be of any advantage to him?
  • 3. How do you benefit the Almighty? What does God gain from your righteousness?
  • 4. Is it because of your fear that he rebukes you and enters into judgment with you?
  • 5. Is not their wickedness great? Are not their transgressions inexhaustible?
  • 6. You exacted a pledge from your brothers without cause; you stripped the stripped of their clothing.
  • 7. He gave no water to the weary, and denied food to the hungry,
  • 8. being a powerful man, possessing lands, and occupying a distinguished position.
  • 9. You have sent widows away empty-handed, and broken the arms of the fatherless.
  • 10. Therefore snares surround you, and terror suddenly overtakes you.
  • 11. Darkness surrounds him, and the waters cover him in a great flood.
  • 12. Is not God in the heights of heaven? Look how far away the stars are!
  • 13. Yet you say, 'God does not see; he cannot judge through thick darkness.
  • 14. The clouds cover him so that he cannot see; he walks through the heavens.'
  • 15. Do you want to follow the ancient paths that wicked men have walked?
  • 16. They were taken away before their time; their foundations were swept away by a flood.
  • 17. They said to God, 'Depart from us!' and 'What can the Almighty do to us?'
  • 18. Yet he filled their houses with good things. Therefore I turn away from the counsel of the wicked.
  • 19. “The righteous see this and are glad, but the innocent laugh at them, saying,
  • 20. Surely our adversaries have been destroyed, and fire has consumed their wealth.
  • 21. Surrender yourself to God and be at peace with him; then prosperity will come to you.
  • 22. Receive the instruction that comes from his mouth, and keep his words in your heart.
  • 23. If you turn to the Almighty and remove injustice from your tent,
  • 24. throw the gold that is in your hands onto the rocks of the stream,
  • 25. The Almighty will be your gold, your finest silver.
  • 26. For then you will delight in the Almighty and will lift up your face to God.
  • 27. You will pray to him, and he will hear you, and you will fulfill your vows.
  • 28. Whatever you decide will come to pass, and light will shine on your path.
  • 29. When others are humbled and you say, 'Let them be exalted!', he will save the humble.
  • 30. He will deliver even him who is not innocent, and he will be saved by the cleanness of his hands.”

Bíblia Online

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