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Job, Chapter 10:


Verses from Job, Chapter 10 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament
  • 1. “My life is full of sadness; therefore I will express my complaint and speak with bitterness of soul.
  • 2. I will say to God: Do not condemn me; Show me what charges you have against me.
  • 3. Does it please you to oppress me, rejecting the work of your hands, while you favor the plans of the wicked?
  • 4. Do you have eyes of flesh? Do you see how mortals see?
  • 5. Are your days the same as the days of mortals? Are your years like the years of men?
  • 6. Why do you investigate my iniquity and search for my sin,
  • 7. even though you know that I am innocent and that no one can deliver me from your hands?
  • 8. “It was your hands that formed me and gave me existence. Now you want to turn around and destroy me?
  • 9. Remember that you molded me like clay; and now you want to turn me back to dust?
  • 10. Have you not poured me out like milk and curdled me like cheese?
  • 11. Have you not clothed me with skin and flesh and joined me with bones and sinews?
  • 12. You gave me life and kindness, and your care preserved my spirit.
  • 13. “But you hid something in your heart, and now I know what you planned.
  • 14. If I sinned, you would keep an eye on me, and you would not let my offense go unpunished.
  • 15. If I were guilty, woe is me! Even though he was innocent, he could not raise his head, for he would be filled with shame and immersed in grief.
  • 16. If I exalted myself, you would lie in wait like a lion, and you would again manifest your power against me.
  • 17. You present new witnesses against me and increase your anger against me; your troops come to attack me in successive ranks.
  • 18. “So why did you give birth to me? I would rather have died before any eyes saw me.
  • 19. If only I had never existed, or been taken straight from the womb to the grave!
  • 20. Are my few days coming to an end? Get away from me, so I can enjoy a moment of joy,
  • 21. before leaving for the place from which there is no return, the land of darkness and shadows,
  • 22. the land of deep darkness, where the light is as darkness itself.”

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