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Isaiah, Chapter 5:


Verses from Isaiah 5 from the book of Isaiah in the Bible.

Isaiah - Old Testament.
Isaiah – Old Testament.

The song of the vineyard

  • 1. The Lord had a vineyard, the nation of Israel, planted on top of a fertile hill.
  • 2. He prepared it carefully, removing stones and planting the best vines. He erected a watchtower and dug a tank to squeeze the grapes. Everything was prepared for the vineyard to produce good grapes, but it only produced sour fruit.
  • 3. Now, people of Jerusalem and men of Judah, listen and judge between me and my vineyard:
  • 4. What more could I have done for her that I didn't? Why, when she expected good grapes, did she only produce sour grapes?
  • 5. Therefore, I declare to you what I will do with my vineyard: I will tear down the fence so that it can be turned into pasture; I will tear down the wall so that it may be trampled underfoot.
  • 6. I will make it a wasteland; it will not be pruned or weeded; thorns and weeds will grow in it. And I will command the clouds not to pour rain on it.
  • 7. For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the nation of Israel, and the men of Judah are the plantation that he loved. He expected justice, but saw bloodshed; He expected righteousness, but he heard cries of distress.
  • 8. Woe to you, who accumulate house upon house, property upon property, until there is no room left for anyone, becoming absolute lords of the earth!
  • 9. Many houses will be abandoned, mansions will be deserted.
  • 10. A large vineyard will produce only a little wine, and a heap of seeds will only produce a small harvest.
  • 11. Woe to those who get up early to drink and warm themselves with wine until night!
  • 12. They have harps, lyres, tambourines, flutes and wine at their festivals, but they do not care about the deeds of the Lord, nor do they consider the work of his hands.
  • 13. Therefore my people will be taken into exile for lack of knowledge; your nobles will go hungry, and the multitudes will be thirsty.
  • 14. Therefore Sheol increases its appetite and opens itself voraciously. The glory of the city, its inhabitants, its nobles and all who delight in it will descend into darkness.
  • 15. Humanity will be humiliated, and the eyes of the proud will be lowered.
  • 16. But the Lord of hosts will be exalted by righteousness, and the holy God will be sanctified by righteousness.
  • 17. Then sheep will graze as in their own pasture; lambs will eat on the ruins of the rich.
  • 18. Woe to those who pull evil with ropes of falsehood and sin as with cart ropes!
  • 19. They say: “May God speed up his work so that we can see it! May the plan of the Holy One of Israel come true so that we may know him!”
  • 20. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness into light and light into darkness, bitterness into sweetness and sweetness into bitterness!
  • 21. Woe to those who consider themselves wise in their own eyes and intelligent in their own opinion!
  • 22. Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and masters at mixing drinks!
  • 23. Woe to those who acquit the guilty by bribery and deny justice to the innocent!
  • 24. Therefore, as straw is consumed by fire and stubble is devoured by flames, so its roots will become rottenness and its flowers will be carried away like dust; for they rejected the law of the Lord of hosts and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
  • 25. Therefore the anger of the Lord was kindled against his people, and he stretched out his hand against them to strike them. The mountains shook and their bodies lay like trash in the streets. Even so, his anger has not been appeased, his hand is still raised.
  • 26. He raises a flag to summon a distant nation and whistles to a people from the ends of the earth. They come flying quickly!
  • 27. None of them get tired or stumble; no one naps or sleeps, no one loosens his belt or unties his sandal strap.
  • 28. Your arrows are sharp, all your bows are ready. The hooves of their horses are like a stone, and the wheels of their chariots are like a whirlwind.
  • 29. They roar like lions, they roar like lion cubs, as they hunt and carry their prey, with no one rescuing it.
  • 30. In that day they will roar over Judah like the roaring of the sea. And if anyone looks at the land of Israel, he will see only darkness and distress; daylight will be obscured by clouds.

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