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Creation of the world Genesis: what did God create in 7 days?


A creation of the world Genesis, is a powerful story that has permeated diverse cultures and religions over the centuries.

Today we will look in detail at the events described in this ancient story, answering frequently asked questions and offering a deeper understanding of the days of the creation of the Genesis world. Read with us and find out more, let’s go!

How was the creation of the Genesis world?

“The Creation of the World Genesis” presents us with an impressive account of the way in which God, according to Judeo-Christian tradition, created the universe in seven days.

  • On the first day, light was separated from darkness, inaugurating the day and night cycle;
  • On the second day, God created the firmament to separate the waters and established the heavens;
  • On the third day, the waters came together, forming the oceans and revealing the dry land, on which God caused all vegetation to sprout;
  • The fourth day witnessed the creation of the celestial bodies – the sun, moon and stars, which illuminate and govern the days and nights;
  • On the fifth day, the waters were populated by diverse sea creatures, while the skies were adorned with birds of all kinds;
  • On the sixth day, God created land animals and, as a crowning achievement of His work, formed man and woman in His image;
  • On the seventh day, God rested, sanctifying it as a holy day of rest.

A summary of the Book of Genesis

The Book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, is a fundamental work that traces the origins of the world and humanity according to the Judeo-Christian tradition. This book is full of meaningful narratives and iconic characters.


It begins with a description of God's creation of the universe in six days, culminating in divine rest on the seventh day. Genesis also tells the story of Adam and Eve, the first human beings created in the image of God, and recounts the fall of humanity due to sin.

Furthermore, Genesis presents the story of Noah and the ark during the flood, which serves as a symbol of divine judgment and salvation through obedience.

The book continues with the narratives of the patriarchs, including Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who are considered the fathers of the people of Israel. Their stories are marked by alliances with God, significant journeys and tests of faith.

Genesis also tells the story of Jacob's son Joseph, who is sold into slavery by his own brothers and eventually becomes a powerful leader in Egypt, playing a crucial role in his family's survival during a great famine.

In addition to the narratives, Genesis explores deep themes, such as creation, the purpose of humanity, the nature of sin, divine forgiveness and God's providence.

It is a book that lays the foundations for many later theological teachings and is widely respected by various religious traditions, being a source of inspiration and reflection throughout the centuries. 

Common questions

What did God create on the first day?

On the first day of creation, God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good and separated the light from the darkness, calling the light day and the darkness night.

What did God create on the second day?

On the second day, God created the firmament to separate the waters above the firmament from the waters below the firmament. God called the firmament heaven.

What did God create on the third day?

On the third day, God gathered the waters under the heavens into one place, and dry land appeared. God made the earth produce vegetation, seed plants and fruit trees, each according to its kind.

What did God create on the fourth day?

On the fourth day, God created the heavenly bodies: the sun to rule the day, the moon to rule the night, and the stars to light the sky. God placed these bodies in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth.

What did God create on the fifth day?

On the fifth day, God created sea creatures and all living beings that move in the waters, in addition to birds according to their species. God blessed these creatures, ordering them to multiply and fill the seas and sky.

What did God create on the sixth day?

On the sixth day, God created land animals, each according to its kind, including wild animals, domestic animals and reptiles. Then, God created humans in His image, male and female, giving them the responsibility to rule over the creatures of the earth.

What did God create on the seventh day?

On the seventh day, God rested from all His work. He blessed the seventh day and sanctified it as a day of rest, a time dedicated to worship and reflection on His marvelous creation.


“The Creation of the World Genesis” continues to be a source of inspiration and contemplation for millions of people around the world.

It is a narrative that invites us to reflect on the grandeur of the universe, the diversity of life and the significant role we play as human beings in this majestic setting.

As we delve deeper into this ancient story, we are reminded of the responsibility we have to preserve and protect God's creation, respecting nature and caring for our planet for future generations. To the next!

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