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Ecclesiastes, Chapter 7:


Verses from Ecclesiastes, Chapter 7 of the book of Ecclesiastes of the Bible.

Ecclesiastes - Old Testament.
Ecclesiastes – Old Testament.

The wisdom

  • 1. There is a search for a good name, which proves to be better than the most exuberant perfume, and recognizing the day of death as something superior to the day of birth.
  • 2. It is preferable to attend a house where there is mourning rather than a house with celebrations, as death is the common destiny of all, and the living must face this reality seriously.
  • 3. We find wisdom in recognizing that sadness is, in fact, more beneficial than laughter, for a sad face can improve a man's heart.
  • 4. The wise understand that it is in the house where there is mourning that true understanding resides, while the fool seeks only momentary joy.
  • 5. Knowing how to listen to the rebuke of a wise man is more valuable than delighting in the song of fools.
  • 6. Just as the crackling of thorns under the pot has no meaning, so the laughter of fools has no genuine purpose.
  • 7. Oppression has the power to corrupt wisdom, turning the wise into fools, and bribery can distort the heart of man.
  • 8. The end of a journey is preferable to its beginning, and patience is more praiseworthy than pride.
  • 9. Anger should not readily dominate the spirit of man, for it finds a home in the hearts of fools.
  • 10. It is imprudent to question why the past days were better than the present, as such questioning is not a sign of wisdom.
  • 11. Wisdom is like a valuable inheritance, benefiting those who behold the sunlight.
  • 12. Wise knowledge is a protective shield, just like money, but wisdom has the advantage of preserving the life of those who possess it.
  • 13. By observing the works of God, we understand that no one can make straight what He has made crooked.
  • 14. Enjoy the days of prosperity with joy, but be aware that God created both good and bad days, preventing man from fully knowing his future.
  • 15. In this seemingly meaningless existence, I have witnessed perplexing cases: a righteous man who died despite being righteous, and a wicked man who lived long despite his impiety.
  • 16. Moderation is essential, as being excessively fair or extremely wise can lead to self-destruction.
  • 17. Likewise, do not indulge in excessive impiety or behave foolishly, as this may hasten death.
  • 18. It is wise to keep the two things in balance, for he who fears God will avoid extremes.
  • 19. Wisdom grants the wise man more power than ten brave men guarding a city.
  • 20. However, there is not a single righteous man on earth who never sins.
  • 21. Do not pay blind attention to the words spoken by people, otherwise you may hear even your own servant speaking ill of you.
  • 22. For, deep down, everyone knows that they have often spoken badly of others.
  • 23. I meditated deeply on these questions with wisdom and concluded: I decided to seek wisdom, but I realized that it was beyond my reach.
  • 24. Reality is vast and deep; who can fully understand it?
  • 25. So I dedicated myself to learning, investigating, and seeking wisdom and understanding about the nature of wickedness and the madness of foolishness.
  • 26. I discovered that something more bitter than death itself is the woman who becomes a snare, whose heart is a trap, and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God manages to escape it, but the sinner falls into its web.
  • 27. The master also shares a discovery: comparing one thing with another to find its reason for being,
  • 28. Among a thousand men, he found only one who he considers truly worthy, but among the women he found not a single one.
  • 29. And so he concludes, stating that God created men righteous, but they have dedicated themselves to seeking many intrigues.

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