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Deuteronomy, Chapter 20:


Verses from Deuteronomy, Chapter 20 of the book of Deuteronomy of the Bible.

Deuteronomy - Old Testament
Deuteronomy – Old Testament

Laws of war

  • 1. “When you prepare to face your enemies in battle and see that they have horses, chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid. The Lord your God, who delivered you from Egypt, will be with you.
  • 2. Before entering into battle, the priest will come in front of the army and say:
  • 3. 'Listen, O Israel! Today you will face your enemies. Do not be discouraged or afraid, do not be frightened or terrified at them,
  • 4. for the Lord your God will be with you and will fight alongside you against your enemies, giving you victory.'
  • 5. “The officers will say to the army, 'Is there anyone here who has built a new house and has not yet dedicated it? Return home, lest you die in battle and someone else dedicates you.
  • 6. Is there anyone who has planted a new vineyard and has not yet enjoyed its fruits? Return home, so that you do not die in battle and someone else enjoys the fruits.
  • 7. Is there anyone who is engaged and hasn't gotten married yet? Return home, lest you die in battle and someone else marries the bride.'
  • 8. And finally, the officials will add: 'If anyone is afraid and lacks courage, let him return home, so that his fellow Israelites will not be discouraged.'
  • 9. After the officers finish speaking to the army, leaders will be appointed to command the troops.
  • 10. “When they approach a city to attack it, offer it the opportunity for peace.
  • 11. If the inhabitants accept and open the doors, they will become slaves and serve you.
  • 12. But if they reject peace and decide to fight against you, then surround the city.
  • 13. When the Lord your God delivers her into your hands, kill all her men with the sword.
  • 14. The women, children, livestock and everything in the city will be yours to take as spoils. In this way, they will be able to take advantage of the spoils of their enemies that the Lord their God has given them.
  • 15. This is what you will do with all the distant cities that do not belong to the neighboring nations.
  • 16. “However, in the cities of the nations that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, leave no one alive.
  • 17. Fulfill the command of the Lord your God to completely destroy the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites.
  • 18. If you do not do so, these nations will teach you to practice all the abominations that they do in their worship of gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God.
  • 19. “When you besiege a city for a long time, fighting to conquer it, do not destroy the trees with axes, for you may eat their fruit. Do not cut them down, for trees are not human enemies to be besieged.
  • 20. However, you can cut down the trees that do not bear fruit and use them to build siege engines until the city that is at war with you is conquered.

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