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Deuteronomy, Chapter 13:


Verses from Deuteronomy, Chapter 13 of the book of Deuteronomy of the Bible.

Deuteronomy - Old Testament
Deuteronomy – Old Testament

Against false gods

  • 1. “If a prophet or someone who makes predictions through dreams arises among you and announces a miraculous sign or a wonder,
  • 2. and this sign or wonder happens, and he says, 'Let us follow gods that you do not know and worship them,'
  • 3. do not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The Lord your God is testing you to see if you love him with all your heart and soul.
  • 4. Only follow the Lord your God and fear only Him. Keep His commandments and obey Him; serve Him and cling to Him.
  • 5. That prophet or dreamer must be killed, because he preached rebellion against the Lord, their God, who brought them out of Egypt and rescued them from slavery. He tried to turn you away from the path the Lord your God commanded you to follow. Eliminate evil from among you.
  • 6. “If your own brother, son, daughter, beloved wife, or close friend secretly tries to instigate you, saying, 'Let us worship other gods!' – gods that neither you nor your ancestors knew,
  • 7. gods of the people around them, whether near or far, from one side of the earth to the other –
  • 8. don't let yourself be convinced or listen to what he says. Have no pity or compassion for him, nor protect him.
  • 9. You must kill him. Let your hand be the first to rise to kill him, and then the hands of all the people.
  • 10. Stone him to death, because he tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
  • 11. Then all Israel will hear about this and will be afraid and will never do such evil again.
  • 12. “If you hear that in one of the cities that the Lord your God is giving you to live in,
  • 13. wicked men arose and led the inhabitants astray, saying, 'Let us worship other gods!' – gods you don’t know –
  • 14. you must investigate and examine. If it is true and it is proven that such an abomination was committed among you,
  • 15. kill all the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword. Completely destroy the city, killing both its inhabitants and their animals.
  • 16. Gather all the spoil in the middle of the public square and completely burn the city and all the spoil as an offering to the Lord your God. May it become a heap of ruins forever, never to be rebuilt again.
  • 17. Let nothing that was destined for destruction remain in your hands, lest the Lord turn away from the fire of his wrath. He will have compassion and mercy on you, multiplying you, as he promised your ancestors,
  • 18. as long as you obey the Lord your God and keep all his commandments that I give you, doing what is right in his sight.

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