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1 Samuel, Chapter 29:


Verses from 1 Samuel, Chapter 29 of the book of 1 Samuel in the Bible.

1 Samuel - Old Testament
1 Samuel – Old Testament

The Philistines reject David's support

  • 1. The Philistines gathered all their troops in Aphek, while Israel camped near the spring of Jezreel.
  • 2. While the Philistine leaders advanced with their groups of hundreds and thousands, David and his men followed behind with Achish.
  • 3. The Philistine commanders asked, “What are these Hebrews doing here?” Achish replied, “This is David, who used to be an officer of Saul, the king of Israel. He has been with me for over a year and since he joined me, he has not done anything that could cause distrust.”
  • 4. However, the Philistine commanders were angry and said, “Send this man away to the city you gave him. He must not fight with us in war, as he may turn against us during combat. How can we regain your lord's trust, if not at the cost of our lives?
  • 5. Is this not the same David they sang about in their dances: 'Saul killed thousands, David killed tens of thousands'?”
  • 6. Then Achish called David and said to him, “I swear by the name of the Lord that you have been faithful and I would be happy to have you serve in my army. Since the day you came to me, I have never distrusted you, but the leaders do not agree with that.
  • 7. Now go back and go in peace! Do nothing to displease the Philistine leaders.”
  • 8. David questioned: “What have I done? What have you discovered against your servant since the day I arrived? Why can’t I fight the king’s enemies, my lord?”
  • 9. Achish replied: “I recognize that you have acted in accordance with my will, as an angel of God. However, the Philistine commanders insist that you must not participate in battle with us.
  • 10. Now get up early in the morning, along with your master's servants who came with you, and leave as soon as day dawns.”
  • 11. Then David and his soldiers got up early in the morning and returned to the land of the Philistines. Meanwhile, the Philistines went to Jezreel.

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