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1 Samuel, Chapter 26:


Verses from 1 Samuel, Chapter 26 of the book of 1 Samuel in the Bible.

1 Samuel - Old Testament
1 Samuel – Old Testament

David spares Saul's life again

  • 1. Ziph's informants went to Saul in Gibeah and said, “David is hiding on the hill of Hakilah, opposite the wilderness of Jeshimon.”
  • 2. Then Saul went down into the desert of Ziph with three thousand of Israel's best soldiers, looking for David.
  • 3. Saul camped by the roadside, on the hill of Hachilah, opposite the wilderness of Jeshimon, while David remained in the wilderness. When David heard that Saul was persecuting him,
  • 4. sent spies and confirmed that Saul had indeed arrived.
  • 5. Then David went to Saul's camp. He saw where Saul and Abner son of Ner, commander of the army, were lying. Saul was lying in the camp, with his army around him.
  • 6. David asked Ahimelech the Hittite and Abishai son of Zeruiah and brother of Joab, “Who will go with me to Saul’s camp?” Abishai replied, “I will go with you.”
  • 7. David and Abishai sneaked into the camp at night. Saul was sleeping with his spear stuck in the ground near his head. Abner and the soldiers were lying around him.
  • 8. Abishai said to David, “Today God has delivered your enemy into your hands. Let me drive the spear into him at once, all the way to the ground. I won’t need another chance.”
  • 9. But David answered Abishai, “Don’t kill him! Who can raise a hand against the Lord's anointed and remain innocent?
  • 10. I swear by the name of the Lord,” he said, “that the Lord himself will kill him. Either his time will come and he will die, or he will go into battle and perish.
  • 11. May the Lord forbid me from lifting my hand against the Lord's anointed. Now, let’s take the spear and the water jug that are near his head and let’s go.”
  • 12. Then David took the spear and the pitcher that were near Saul's head, and they departed. No one saw them, no one noticed them, and no one woke up, for the Lord had caused everyone to fall deeply asleep.
  • 13. David went to the top of a distant hill, a good distance away from them.
  • 14. And he cried out to the army and to Abner son of Ner, “Will you not answer, Abner?” Abner replied, “Who is calling the king?”
  • 15. David said, “You are a man, aren't you? Who is like you in Israel? Why didn't you protect the king, your lord? Someone came to you to kill you.
  • 16. That's not good! I swear by the Lord that you all deserve death because you did not protect the king, the Lord's anointed. Now, look! Where are the king’s spear and water jar, which were near his head?”
  • 17. Saul recognized David's voice and said, “Is that you, my son David?” David replied, “Yes, my lord, O king.”
  • 18. And he added: “Why is my lord persecuting this servant of his? What have I done and what evil am I guilty of?
  • 19. May my lord the king hear the words of his servant. If it was the Lord who instigated him against me, then let him accept an offering. But if it was men who instigated it, may they be cursed before the Lord! They took me away from my inheritance in the land of the Lord and said to me, 'Go serve other gods.'
  • 20. Now let my blood not be shed far from the presence of the Lord. The king of Israel went out in search of a flea, as one hunts a partridge in the mountains.”
  • 21. Then Saul said, “I have sinned! Come back, my son David! Today you considered my life precious, and I will not harm you again. I acted like a fool and made a big mistake.”
  • 22. David replied, “Here is the king’s spear. Let one of your servants come and get you.
  • 23. May the Lord reward each person's righteousness and fidelity. He has delivered you into my hands today, but I would not lift my hand against the Lord's anointed.
  • 24. Just as I considered your life to be of great value today, may the Lord also consider my life and free me from all distress.”
  • 25. Then Saul said to David, “You will be blessed, my son David. You will accomplish great things and be successful in everything.” And David went on his way, while Saul returned home.

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