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1 Samuel, Chapter 14:


Verses from 1 Samuel, Chapter 14 of the book of 1 Samuel in the Bible.

1 Samuel - Old Testament
1 Samuel – Old Testament

Jonathan attacks the Philistines

  • 1. One day, Jonathan, Saul's son, said to his young armor-bearer, “Let's go to the Philistine detachment on the other side.” However, he did not inform his father about this.
  • 2. Saul was sitting under a pomegranate tree on the border of Gibeah in Migron. With him were about six hundred soldiers,
  • 3. including Ahijah, who wore the priestly vest. Ahijah was the son of Ahitub, the brother of Ichabod, the son of Phinehas, and the grandson of Eli, the priest of the Lord in Shiloh. No one knew that Jonathan had gone out.
  • 4. Surrounding the pass that Jonathan planned to cross to reach the Philistine detachment were two steep cliffs, one called Bozez and the other Senneh.
  • 5. There was also a cliff to the north, toward Michmash, and another to the south, toward Geba.
  • 6. Jonathan said to his armor-bearer, “Let us go to the detachment of those uncircumcised. Perhaps the Lord will act in our favor, as nothing can stop the Lord from saving, whether with many or few.”
  • 7. The armor-bearer replied, “Do what you have in mind; I will go with you".
  • 8. Then Jonathan said, “Let us show ourselves to the soldiers and see what happens.
  • 9. If they say to us, 'Stay where you are until we approach,' we will remain where we are and not move forward.
  • 10. But if they say to us, 'Come here,' we will go up, for this will be a sign that the Lord has delivered you into our hands.”
  • 11. Then the two revealed themselves to the Philistine detachment, who exclaimed: “Look, the Hebrews are coming out of the holes where they were hiding!”
  • 12. And the Philistines shouted to Jonathan and his armor-bearer, “Come here and we will teach you a lesson.” At this, Jonathan said to his armor-bearer: “Follow me; the Lord delivered them into the hands of Israel.”
  • 13. Jonathan climbed the gorge using his hands and feet, and his armor-bearer followed close behind. Jonathan overthrew the Philistines, while his armor-bearer killed them.
  • 14. In that first attack, Jonathan and his armor-bearer killed about twenty men in a small area of land.

Israel defeats the Philistines

  • 15. Then terror spread throughout the entire army, both among those in the camp and among those in the field and among the attacking troops. There was a great panic, and the earth shook.
  • 16. Saul's sentries at Gibeah of Benjamin saw the Philistine army retreating, running in all directions.
  • 17. Then Saul said to his soldiers, “Count the number of soldiers and see who is missing.” When they did this, they realized that Jonathan and his armor-bearer were not present.
  • 18. Saul ordered Ahijah, “Bring the ark of God.” At that time, the ark was with the Israelites.
  • 19. As Saul spoke to the priest, the tumult in the Philistine camp grew more and more. Then Saul said to the priest, “There is no need to bring the ark.”
  • 20. Immediately Saul and all the soldiers gathered together and went into battle. They found the Philistines in complete disorder, striking each other with their swords.
  • 21. Some Hebrews who had previously been on the side of the Philistines and had gone with them to the camp, went over to the side of the Israelites who were with Saul and Jonathan.
  • 22. When all the Israelites who had hidden in the mountains of Ephraim heard that the Philistines were retreating, they also joined the battle, pursuing them.
  • 23. So the Lord gave victory to Israel that day, and the battle extended beyond Beth-aven.

Saul curses anyone who eats

  • 24. The men of Israel were exhausted that day, for Saul had forced them to swear an oath, saying: “Cursed be anyone who eats before nightfall, before I take revenge on my enemies!” Therefore, no one had eaten anything.
  • 25. When the whole army came to a grove where honey was running down the ground,
  • 26. they saw the honey, but no one tasted it, for they were afraid of the oath.
  • 27. Jonathan, however, was unaware of the oath imposed by his father on the army, so he stretched out the end of the stick he had in his hand and dipped it into the honeycomb. When he tasted it, his eyes lit up.
  • 28. One of the soldiers said, “Your father imposed a severe oath on the army, saying, 'Cursed be anyone who eats today!' That’s why men are exhausted.”
  • 29. Then Jonathan said, “My father brought affliction upon us. See how my eyes shine since I tasted some of this honey.
  • 30. It would have been much better if men had eaten a little today of what they took from their enemies. The slaughter of the Philistines would have been even greater.”
  • 31. That day, after defeating the Philistines, from Michmash to Aijalon, the Israelites were completely exhausted. Then Saul commanded: “You have been unfaithful. Bring a big stone here.”
  • 32. They brought the stone, and each slaughtered his ox that night, right there.
  • 33. Saul said, “Spread out among the soldiers and say to them, 'Bring me your ox or your sheep, butcher them here and eat. Do not sin against the Lord by eating meat with blood.'”
  • 34. So Saul built an altar to the Lord, the first he had ever built.
  • 35. Saul said, “We will pursue them by night and plunder them until dawn. We won’t leave even one of them alive.” They replied, “Do what you think is best.” The priest, however, said: “Let us consult God first.”
  • 37. Then Saul asked God, “Should I pursue the Philistines? Will you deliver them into the hands of Israel?” But that day God did not answer him.
  • 38. Then Saul said to all the leaders of the army, “Let us find out what sin was committed today.
  • 39. I swear by the name of the Lord, the deliverer of Israel: even if he is my son Jonathan, he will die!” But no one said a word.
  • 40. Then Saul said to all the Israelites, “Stand to one side; My son Jonathan and I will be on the other side.” They responded, “Do what you think is best.”
  • 41. And Saul prayed to the Lord, the God of Israel, “Give me the right answer.” And the lot fell on Jonathan and Saul, and the soldiers were declared innocent.
  • 42. Saul said to Jonathan, “Tell me what you have done.” Jonathan told him: “I tasted some honey with the tip of my staff. I'm ready to die.”
  • 44. Saul replied, “May God punish me severely, Jonathan, if you do not die!”
  • 45. But the soldiers said to Saul, “Should Jonathan, who brought this great victory to Israel, die? No way! Since he acted with the help of God, not a hair on his head will fall to the ground.” And so they saved Jonathan from death.
  • 46. Saul stopped pursuing the Philistines, and they returned to their own land.
  • 47. During Saul's reign, there were intense wars against the Philistines and their other surrounding enemies: Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, kings of Zobah, and Philistines. Wherever he went, Saul inflicted defeat on them.
  • 48. He fought courageously and defeated the Amalekites, freeing Israel from the plunder they suffered.

Saul's family

  • 49. Saul's sons were Jonathan, Ishvi, and Malchishua. His eldest daughter was named Merab, and his youngest was Michal.
  • 50. His wife's name was Ahinoam, and she was the daughter of Ahimaaz. The commander of Saul's army was Abner, son of Ner and uncle of Saul.
  • 51. Kish, the father of Saul, and Ner, the father of Abner, were the sons of Abiel.
  • 52. There was constant warfare against the Philistines throughout Saul's reign. Whenever he found a brave and courageous man, he recruited him into his army.

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