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1 Kings, Chapter 3:


Verses from 1 Kings, Chapter 3 of the book of 1 Samuel of the Bible.

1 Kings - Old Testament
1 Kings – Old Testament

Solomon asks for wisdom

  • 1. Solomon, in search of alliance and stability, joined Pharaoh, king of Egypt, by marrying his daughter. He brought her to the City of David, where construction was underway on his palace, the temple of the Lord, and the walls of Jerusalem.
  • 2. However, in those days, the people continued to offer sacrifices in the holy places, as a temple dedicated to the name of the Lord had not yet been built.
  • 3. Solomon, although he loved the Lord and followed the teachings of his father, David, also offered sacrifices and burned incense in the holy places.
  • 4. One day, King Solomon went to Gibeon to offer sacrifices, as the main holy place was located there. He offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar.
  • 5. During the night, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream in Gibeon and said to him, “Ask me whatever you want, and I will give it to you.”
  • 6. Solomon replied: “You were immensely kind to my father, David, showing him faithfulness, justice and an upright heart. Your great kindness resulted in giving him a son who now sits on the throne.
  • 7. “Now, O Lord my God, you have made me king in place of my father David. However, I am just a young man and I don't know how to govern.
  • 8. Here I am, in the midst of such a numerous people, whom you chose. It is a great task that has been entrusted to me.
  • 9. Give me, therefore, a wise heart and discernment to guide your people and distinguish between good and evil. Who else could govern this great nation?”
  • 10. Solomon's request pleased the Lord.
  • 11. And God said to him: “Since you did not ask for longevity, riches, or the death of your enemies, but for discernment to administer justice,
  • 12. I will do as you asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, making you unique in wisdom among the kings who were before and after you.
  • 13. Furthermore, I will give you riches and honor, such that no king will ever be compared to you in your entire life.
  • 14. And if you walk in my ways and obey my commandments, as your father David did, I will prolong your life.”
  • 15. When he woke up from his dream, Solomon returned to Jerusalem and stood before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. There he offered burnt offerings and presented communion offerings. Then he held a banquet for his entire court.
  • 16. One day, two women, prostitutes, appeared before the king.
  • 17. One of them said: “O my lord, this woman and I live in the same house. I gave birth to a son while we were in the house together.
  • 18. Three days after I gave birth, she also gave birth to a son. There was no one else with us in the house, it was just the two of us.
  • 19. That night this woman lay down on her son, and he died.
  • 20. Then, while I was sleeping, she got up and took my dead son and placed him by her side. And he placed his dead son beside me.
  • 21. When I woke up at dawn to breastfeed my son, I realized that he was dead. But when I looked closely at him, I saw that he was not the son I had given birth to.”
  • 22. The other woman replied: “No! The living son is mine; the dead is yours.” However, the first woman insisted: “No! The dead man is yours; the living is mine.” And so they continued to argue before the king.
  • 23. Then the king declared: “One of them says that the living son is hers and her son is dead, while the other says that the dead son is hers and her son is alive.”
  • 24. At this, the king ordered: “Bring me a sword.” Quickly, a sword was brought before him.
  • 25. Then the king said, “Divide the living child into two parts and give half to each of the women.”
  • 26. The mother of the son who was alive, with her motherly love, begged the king: “O my lord, I beg you not to kill the child! Give it to that woman!” However, the other woman insisted: “It will be neither mine nor yours. Split it in half!”
  • 27. Then the king pronounced his verdict: “Do not kill the child! Give her to the first woman, for she is the true mother.”
  • 28. Upon hearing the king's decision, all Israel was amazed and began to respect him deeply, as they realized that the wisdom of God was in him to do justice.

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