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Vacancies in the education sector with salaries exceeding 10 thousand!


To the vacancies in the field of education They are as varied as possible, after all, there are everything from teachers to psychologists within a school environment, meaning that the opportunities are varied and serve different professionals.

Education, as a pillar of society, needs dedicated and passionate professionals, ready to contribute their knowledge and experience.

Today, we will see what are the main vacancies in the education sector, how much each professional receives and where to find these opportunities. Read with us!

Top 10 vacancies in the education field

Elementary and secondary school teacher

The position of teacher is essential in the area of education, covering several disciplines. Elementary and high school teachers are responsible for teaching specific content, developing lesson plans and evaluating student performance.


Pedagogical coordinator

The pedagogical coordinator plays a crucial role in school management, helping to prepare curricula, promoting the professional development of teachers and coordinating pedagogical activities.

School director

The school director is responsible for the administrative and pedagogical management of the institution, ensuring the implementation of educational policies, supervising teams and maintaining an atmosphere conducive to learning.

Educational advisor

The educational counselor supports the socio-emotional development of students, offers vocational guidance, deals with behavioral issues and contributes to the promotion of a healthy school environment.

Early childhood education teacher

Early Childhood Education Teachers have the task of stimulating the cognitive, emotional and social development of preschool children, using appropriate pedagogical methods.

Higher education teacher

Professors at higher education institutions are experts in their fields, teaching classes, conducting research and guiding students on academic projects.

Technical course instructor

Responsible for transmitting practical and specific knowledge, technical course instructors prepare students for the job market in areas such as IT, health and technology.

Business educator

Within the corporate context, the business educator develops training and qualification strategies for employees, promoting continuous learning within organizations.

Inclusive education specialist

Professionals in this area work to ensure that students with special needs receive appropriate attention and support, adapting pedagogical methods to promote inclusion.

Environmental educator

With growing concern for the environment, environmental educators develop educational programs to raise awareness among students about environmental issues, promoting sustainability.

These are just some of the opportunities in the field of education, and each position plays a crucial role in the academic and personal development of students, as well as contributing to the improvement of the educational system as a whole.

Salary range of the professionals mentioned

Salary ranges for professionals in the education field can vary significantly based on several factors, such as level of experience, geographic region, type of institution and degree of responsibility in the position. Below are rough estimates of salary ranges for some of the professionals mentioned:

  1. Elementary and secondary school teacher: from $ 2,000.00 to $ 5,000.00;
  2. Pedagogical coordinator: from $ 3,000.00 to $ 8,000.00;
  3. School director: from $ 5,000.00 to $ 15,000.00;
  4. Educational advisor: from $ 2,500.00 to $ 6,000.00;
  5. Early childhood education teacher: from $ 2,000.00 to $ 7,500.00;
  6. Higher education teacher: from $ 4,000.00 to $ 12,000.00 or more;
  7. Instructor of technical courses: from $ 2,500.00 to $ 6,000.00;
  8. Business pedagogue: from $ 3,500.00 to $ 8,000.00;
  9. Specialist in inclusive education: from $ 3,000.00 to $ 7,000.00;
  10. Environmental educator: from $ 2,500.00 to $ 6,000.00, depending on the sector (formal education, NGOs, companies, etc.).

It is important to note that these are general estimates and variations can be significant. Furthermore, factors such as benefits, workload and degree of specialization also influence salaries in the education area.

How to find vacancies in the education field?

To find vacancies in the education field, it is essential to explore different sources. Start by looking for opportunities on specialized job sites, such as Vacancies or LinkedIn, and focus especially on vacancies in the private sector, which generally pay better.

Register your CV and set up alerts to receive notifications about new vacancies.

Furthermore, pay attention to the websites of education departments, universities and educational institutions, where selection processes and public competitions are frequently published.

Participating in education-related online groups and communities on social media can also be a valuable source of information about job opportunities.

Networking is crucial in the educational field; participate in events, lectures and workshops to expand your network of contacts.

Visit schools, universities and institutions to deliver your CV in person and show your interest in the opportunities available. These combined strategies increase your chances of finding jobs in the education field.

Vacancies in the Education Area - Sementes da Fé
Vacancies in the Education Area – Sementes da Fé

In short, the education sector not only plays a crucial role in the academic and personal development of students, but also offers an extensive range of career opportunities for professionals with diverse skills and specializations.

The highlighted vacancies range from teaching in primary and secondary education to specialized roles, such as environmental educator and business pedagogue, reflecting the breadth and importance of education in different contexts.

Therefore, we encourage interested parties to pursue these valuable opportunities, contributing to the enrichment of the educational experience and the continued development of a more informed and empowered society. To the next!

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