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When was Jesus born according to the Bible? December 25th?


When was Jesus born according to the Bible? The birth of Jesus is a central event in the history of Christianity. The resurrection of Jesus It is another pivotal moment that follows his life, death and teachings.

In this text, we will cover what the Bible says about the date of Jesus' birth and explore the question of whether December 25th is the exact date of His birth.

Additionally, we will look at Bible verses related to birth and birthdays. Read with us and find out when Jesus was born according to the Bible, come on!

When Jesus was born according to the Bible - Seeds of faith
When Jesus was born according to the Bible – Seeds of faith

When was Jesus born according to the Bible?

After all, when was Jesus born according to the Bible? According to the Bible, the birth of Jesus occurred in Bethlehem during the reign of Herod the Great, approximately in the first century AD.


The Gospel of Luke provides details about the census ordered by Caesar Augustus, which led Joseph and Mary to travel to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born in a manger.

However, the Bible does not specify the exact date of Jesus' birth. The gospels do not mention a specific day or month, which makes it impossible to accurately determine the day He was born.

The date of December 25 was established by the early Church as the celebration of Christmas, but it is not mentioned in the Bible as the exact date of Jesus' birth.

Is December 25th the exact date of your birth?

When was Jesus born according to the Bible? As mentioned, there is no biblical and historical evidence that indicates December 25th is the exact date of Jesus' birth. The choice of this date to celebrate Christmas was influenced by ancient traditions and pagan festivals that already took place at this time of year.

In Ancient Rome, “Natalis Solis Invicti” (Birth of the Invincible Sun) was celebrated on December 25th, marking the winter solstice.

The early Church saw this date as an opportunity to celebrate the birth of Christ and redeem this pagan festival, emphasizing that Jesus is the true light of the world.

Although not the exact date of Jesus' birth, Christmas on December 25 has become a significant tradition for Christians, reminding us of the greatest gift God has given us in His Son.

Bible Verses About Birth

The Bible contains several verses that talk about the birth of Jesus and its meaning for humanity.

In the Gospel of Luke 2:10-11, an angel announces to the shepherds in Bethlehem:

“Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy, which will be for all the people: For to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

The prophet Isaiah also prophesied about the birth of Jesus in Isaiah 7:14:

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: behold, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call his name Immanuel.”

These verses emphasize the miraculous and salvific nature of the birth of Jesus, who came into the world to bring joy and salvation to all humanity.

Bible Verses About Birthday

The Bible does not directly mention celebrating birthdays as a practice among Christians. The only reference to a birthday in the Bible is the account of the birthday of the pharaoh of Egypt in Genesis 40:20-22, where Joseph was imprisoned in the pharaoh's prison.

Although celebrating birthdays is not a specific practice mentioned in scripture, the Bible teaches us to value and thank God for the gift of life.

In Psalm 139:13-14, the psalmist declares:

“For you formed my interior; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I thank you, since in a wondrously wonderful way you formed me.”

Although the Bible does not establish the celebration of birthdays as a religious practice, Christians can use this occasion to thank God for another year of life, reflect on His faithfulness and seek His purposes for their lives.


When was Jesus born according to the Bible? The Bible does not give the exact date of Jesus' birth, and December 25 is not mentioned in scripture as the day of his birth.

However, the celebration of Christmas is an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of Jesus' birth and thank God for the greatest gift we have ever received. To the next!

FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the exact date of Jesus' birth according to the Bible?

The Bible does not give a specific date for Jesus' birth. References in Matthew and Luke describe events surrounding His birth but do not mention an exact date.

Why do many believe that Jesus was born on December 25th?

Celebrating the birth of Jesus on December 25 is a tradition that originated centuries after the biblical events. The date was chosen to coincide with pagan winter solstice festivals, facilitating the conversion of pagans to Christianity.

What is the relationship between the census mentioned in Luke and the date of Jesus' birth?

Luke 2:1-3 mentions a census ordered by Caesar Augustus when Quirinius ruled Syria. Although there is debate about the exact date of this census, it is used by some scholars to try to estimate the period in which Jesus was born. However, it does not provide a precise date.

Did the Magi from the East visit Jesus on the day of his birth?

According to Matthew 2, the Magi from the East visited Jesus when He was a “child,” not a newborn, and they were in the house, not the stable. Therefore, it is likely that they visited some time after His birth, and not exactly on the day He was born.

Why is the exact date of Jesus' birth so debated among scholars?

The Bible does not focus on the exact date, but on the meaning and purpose of Jesus' birth. Furthermore, the gospels were written decades after the events, focusing on the theological message. Without detailed historical records, determining a precise date becomes a complex task.

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