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What was Jeroboam's sin? The worship of other gods!


What was Jeroboam's sin?? Biblical history is full of characters whose choices had lasting impacts on people's lives and the destinies of nations.

One of these characters is Jeroboam, whose name is closely linked to a crucial issue: What was Jeroboam's sin??

In this study, we will understand the biblical passages that narrate Jeroboam's actions and examine the implications of his decisions for the people of Israel and for all those who seek to understand God's ways. Read and find out more, let's go!

What was Jeroboam's sin?

Jeroboam's sin is a theme that permeates the pages of Old testment, especially in the context of the division of the kingdom of Israel. Jeroboam was the first king of the Northern kingdom, known as Israel, after the division of the unified kingdom under the reign of Solomon.


Its history is marked by a series of choices that led God's people away from the paths of righteousness.

Jeroboam committed a grave sin by creating golden idols in the shape of calves and placing them in Bethel and Dan, encouraging the people to worship them instead of going to the Temple in Jerusalem.

He did this out of fear that if the people continued to go to Jerusalem to worship, they might return to King David and eventually the King of Judah. This deliberate decision to divert the people from worshiping the true God resulted in idolatry and widespread apostasy in Israel.

Jeroboam's sin was not only the creation of idols, but also the introduction of religious practices that were contrary to God's commandments.

He established his own priestly system, promoting men who were not from the tribe of Levi to serve as priests, thus ignoring established divine laws.

Common questions

1. Who was Jeroboam?

Jeroboam was a crucial historical and biblical figure mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible. He was initially a trusted official of King Solomon, responsible for overseeing public works in Israel.

After Solomon's death, Jeroboam became a central political figure during the division of the kingdom of Israel. He became the first king of the Northern kingdom, also known as Israel, while the southern tribe of Judah followed another leader.

He reigned for 22 years and his story is intertwined with the events that led to the division of Israel into two separate kingdoms.

His leadership is often remembered for the events that resulted in the introduction of idolatry into Israel, a pivotal moment in the biblical narrative that profoundly impacted the spiritual history of God's people.

2. Jeroboam's wife: who was it?

The Bible does not provide many details about Jeroboam's wife. She is mentioned briefly in a few passages, but her name and history are little known. It is known that she was an influence in Jeroboam's life, but specific details about her identity are limited.

3. What is mortal sin?

Mortal sin, in Christian theology, refers to serious and conscious actions that violate God's commandments in a serious way.

It is a serious transgression of divine law that results in a severe rupture in the relationship between the person committing the sin and God. These sins are considered especially serious because they deliberately separate a person from God's grace, leading to spiritual death and eternal separation from God.

In some Christian traditions, these mortal sins include things like murder, adultery, apostasy, and conscious blasphemy against God.

It is believed that without genuine repentance and reconciliation with God, these sins lead to eternal perdition, highlighting the importance of confession, repentance, and continued pursuit of divine grace in the lives of believers.

4. The wages of sin is death?

This phrase, found in Romans 6:23 in the Bible, highlights the seriousness of sin. The wages, or consequence, of sin is spiritual death. This means that sin separates us from God, who is the source of spiritual life.

However, the second part of the verse is also fundamental: “but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This indicates that through Jesus Christ, reconciliation with God is possible, and eternal life is offered as a free gift by God's grace.

What was Jeroboam's sin - Seeds of Faith
What was Jeroboam’s sin – Seeds of Faith


In examining Jeroboam's sin, we are reminded of the importance of obedience to God's commandments. His choices not only affected his own destiny, but also had a profound impact on the nation of Israel.

Jeroboam's sin serves as a warning to all of us, warning of the dangers of idolatry, disobedience, and negative influence.

By learning from these past mistakes, we are empowered to live righteously and godly lives, always seeking God's will in our lives. To the next!

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