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What verse says that Job lost everything?


The Bible is a rich source of narratives and life lessons, and one of its most emblematic characters is Job - See More...

What verse says that Job lost everything? - Seeds of Faith
What verse says that Job lost everything? – Seeds of Faith

He is the central figure of one of the poetic and wisdom books of the Old Testament, known for his suffering and unshakable faith.

As in the famous verse, “The Lord is my shepherd and I will lack nothing“, Job had unshakable faith and trust in God, even in the most difficult times.

But what is the verse that describes the moment when Job loses everything? And why did all this happen? We will explore these questions in this article.


The Verse that describes Job's Loss

Job's story begins with an abundant and happy life.

He was a rich man, had a large family and was respected in his community.

However, in chapter 1, verses 13 to 19 of the book of Job, we find the account of how he lost everything.

Job lost his cattle, his servants, his sons and daughters – all in a single day.

These verses describe a series of calamities that befall Job. First, the Sabeans steal his oxen and donkeys and kill his servants.

Then a fire falls from the sky and burns his sheep and more servants. Afterwards, the Chaldeans steal their camels and kill even more servants.

Finally, a huge wind blows down the house where his sons and daughters were celebrating, and they all die.

As desperate as the situation seemed, Job knew that “Your grace is enough for me“. Even in the face of total loss, his faith remained unshakable.

The Reason for Job's Loss

But why did Job lose everything? The answer to that question takes us to the interaction between God and Satan in the previous verses of chapter 1.

Satan challenges God, claiming that Job is only faithful because God has blessed him abundantly.

God then allows Satan to test Job's faith by taking away everything he has except his health.

The purpose of the test is not to punish Job, but rather to demonstrate the depth of his faith.

God allows Job to be tested to prove to Satan that Job's faith is not based on his material blessings, but on his love and reverence for God.

Just like the verse that states “The crying lasts a night“, Job knew that, despite the adversities of the present, there was hope in God for the future.


The verse that says that Job lost everything illustrates one of the most difficult trials faced by a human being.

However, the purpose of these trials was to show the depth of Job's faith, which remained unshakable despite all his losses.

The story of Job serves as a warning that our faith cannot be based on our material possessions, but on our love and reverence for God.

Despite all the trials and tribulations, Job's faith remained unshakable, an example for us all to follow.

FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

In which Bible verse does Job lose everything?

The story of Job losing everything begins in chapter 1 of Job.

In verses 13-19, several messengers come to Job to inform him that he has lost his property, his servants, and his ten sons.

“Why did Job lose everything?”

In the Book of Job, God allows Satan to test Job's faithfulness by removing all of his blessings, including his wealth, his children, and his health, but Job remains faithful to God despite these adversities.

“What happened to Job after he lost everything?”

After losing everything, Job is then afflicted with painful skin diseases.

However, even in these circumstances, Job continues to worship and have faith in God.

“Did Job eventually recover what he lost?”

Yes, at the end of the Book of Job, after Job has remained faithful and God-fearing despite his trials, God restores Job to health and prosperity and gives him a second family.

“What can we learn from the story of Job?”

The story of Job is often seen as a lesson in maintaining faith and trust in God, even in the most difficult and painful situations.

It shows that even when we face adversity, we are not being abandoned by God and that, in the end, there is hope and restoration.

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