Aguarde Carregando

What is the Shortest Verse in the Bible and Its Meaning!


In the vastness of the sacred pages, we find long and complex stories, as well as small pearls of wisdom condensed into just a few words.

What is the Shortest Verse in the Bible and Its Meaning! - Seeds of Faith
What is the Shortest Verse in the Bible and Its Meaning! – Seeds of Faith

The shortest verse in the Bible, although brief, carries significant depth.

But what would this verse be and what is its meaning?

The Shortest Verse in the Bible

The Bible, made up of 66 books, more than 1,000 chapters and more than 30,000 verses, contains a true wealth of wisdom and knowledge.


As the verse “The Lord is my shepherd and I will lack nothing“, every word in the Bible has the power to guide and comfort.

However, the shortest verse in the Bible, the one that contains the fewest words, is found in the New Testament.

More specifically, in the Gospel of John, chapter 11, verse 35: “Jesus wept.”

The Context of the Verse

To truly understand the meaning of this verse, we must consider the context in which it is placed.

Chapter 11 of the Gospel of John reports the death of Lazarus, a dear friend of Jesus.

Upon being informed of Lazarus' death, Jesus, moved by deep compassion and sadness, weeps.

Deep Meaning of the Verse

Although it is the shortest verse in the Bible, “Jesus wept” carries a very deep meaning.

It reveals Jesus' humanity, his ability to feel pain, sadness and compassion.

This verse shows that Jesus, even though he was divine, shared human emotions, demonstrating an intimate connection with humanity.

He also emphasizes Jesus' empathy.

Crying over the death of a friend shows that He shared the suffering of those around Him.

This empathy extends to all of us, suggesting that Jesus understands and shares our pains and joys, our challenges and triumphs.


In short, the shortest verse in the Bible, “Jesus wept,” is much more than just two words.

It is a testimony to the humanity and empathy of Jesus, and a reminder that in our moments of sadness and pain, we are not alone.

Jesus, in his divinity, experienced human pain and, therefore, understands our suffering perfectly.

Even though this verse is brief, it delivers a powerful message of comfort and hope.

FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the shortest verse in the Bible?

The shortest verse in the Bible, in terms of words, is found in the New Testament, at John 11:35: “Jesus wept.”

“In which book and chapter of the Bible can I find the shortest verse?”

You can find the shortest verse in the Bible in the book of John, chapter 11, verse 35.

“What is the meaning of the shortest verse in the Bible?”

"Jesus cried." it is a powerful affirmation of Jesus' humanity and his empathy for human suffering.

The context is the death of Lazarus, a close friend, which brought tears to Jesus.

“Are there different interpretations of this verse among different Christian denominations?”

This verse is accepted and interpreted fairly uniformly across all Christian denominations.

It is seen as a representation of Jesus' compassion, demonstrating that he feels and understands human pain.

“How can this verse be applied to the daily practice of faith?”

This verse can be applied to the daily practice of faith by remembering that Jesus, as God and man, shares our emotions and suffering, bringing comfort in difficult times.

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