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What is a capital sin? Discover the 7 sins!


What is a capital sin? Within theological and philosophical traditions, the notion of capital sin has been a fundamental part of human understanding of moral behavior. But what exactly is a capital sin?

Today's content will examine the nature of the deadly sins, their spiritual implications, and how they have been interpreted over the centuries. Read with us and find out what is a capital sin, let's go!

What is a capital sin?

Deadly sins, also known as capital vices, are a list of behaviors considered to be the main sources of other moral transgressions.

Traditionally, this list includes seven sins:


  1. Greediness;
  2. Avarice;
  3. Lust;
  4. Will;
  5. Envy;
  6. Laziness;
  7. And pride.

These sins are called “capital” because they are seen as the main roots of other evils, leading to a variety of sinful behaviors.

Deadly sins are often associated with natural human inclinations, highlighting specific areas of moral weakness that can lead to a departure from God and ethical principles.

Common questions

1. What is gluttony?

Gluttony is one of the deadly sins and refers to excess or indulgence in food or drink. Although nutrition is necessary for survival, gluttony involves unrestrained consumption, often resulting in excess weight or wastage.

In addition to the physical aspect, gluttony can also be interpreted symbolically as the unbridled search for pleasure and material satisfaction, to the detriment of moderation and gratitude for what one already has.

2. What is the worst capital sin?

The idea of the worst cardinal sin is subjective and varies between different belief systems. However, pride, often considered the worst, is seen as the source of many other sins.

Excessive pride leads to arrogance, lack of empathy and disrespect for others, hindering the pursuit of humility and self-awareness.

3. What is avarice?

Avarice is the excessive greed for material wealth or possessions. It is the inability to share or give, even when you have an abundance. Avarice is seen as a sin because it places the accumulation of wealth above the needs of others, leading to social injustice and a lack of generosity.

4. What is anger?

Anger is a natural human emotion, but when uncontrolled, it becomes a cardinal sin. It involves a desire for revenge, physical or verbal violence, and harming others. Unbridled anger damages relationships and can lead to impulsive and destructive acts.

5. What is envy?

Envy is a feeling of resentment or desire for what another person has, whether success, skills, or material possessions. It is a corrosive emotion that can lead to harmful behaviors and sabotage of others' achievements.

It often results from dissatisfaction with one's situation and can create a cycle of negativity. It is considered a cardinal sin, as it represents a lack of contentment and gratitude, leading to a destructive attitude towards others.

6. What is pride?

Pride is an exaggerated feeling of self-importance, leading to arrogance and disdain for others. It prevents humility and acceptance of faults, creating a barrier between individuals and the truth about themselves.

In excess, it can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding, damaging relationships. It is considered one of the worst deadly sins because it is the root of many others, blocking spiritual growth and genuine connection with others, in addition to feeding the ego to the detriment of compassion and love for others.

7. What is lust?

Lust is an excessive and disordered sexual desire, often involving impure thoughts or behavior. It is a search for sexual gratification outside the limits established by ethical or religious norms.

It is considered a cardinal sin because, when uncontrolled, it can lead to unhealthy relationships, infidelity and sexual exploitation.

Furthermore, it can lead to the objectification of other people, reducing them to mere objects of desire. This sin highlights the importance of mutual respect and moderation in the healthy expression of sexuality.

8. What is laziness?

Laziness is the lack of will or willingness to act or work. It manifests itself as procrastination, lack of motivation and neglect in fulfilling duties or responsibilities. Laziness impedes personal growth, goal achievement and skill development.

It is a cardinal sin because it represents a refusal to use the gifts and resources that God has given us. Laziness leads to stagnation and wasted potential, impeding spiritual and personal progress.

What is a capital sin - Seeds of Faith
What is a capital sin – Seeds of Faith


In short, the deadly sins represent universal moral challenges facing humanity. They are reflections of human weaknesses and the internal struggles we all face.

Understanding these sins not only alerts us to moral pitfalls, but also calls us to reflection and spiritual growth.

By cultivating virtues such as moderation, humility, generosity and forgiveness, we can resist the impulses of deadly sins, bringing peace and harmony to our own hearts and the world around us. To the next!

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