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What did Andrew do when Jesus called him to become a disciple?


What did Andrew do when Jesus called him to become a disciple? Andrew, one of the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus, was called to leave his old life to follow the Master.

What did Andrew do when Jesus called him to become a disciple? - Seeds of Faith
What did Andrew do when Jesus called him to become a disciple? – Seeds of Faith

Before Jesus' call, Andrew was involved in his profession and daily responsibilities. 

However, when Jesus found him and invited him to follow Him, Andrew promptly abandoned everything and became a dedicated disciple.

André's story leads us to reflect on the readiness to respond to the divine call and leave earthly occupations behind in search of a transformed life.


What did Jesus send his disciples to look for? The answer is reflected in the life of Andrew, who was willing to seek divine truth and purpose.

Discover with us What did Andrew do when Jesus called him to become a disciple? and how this decision changed his life forever!

Who was Andrew, disciple of Jesus? 

Andrew, one of Jesus' twelve apostles, played a significant role in the history of Christianity.

He was originally from Bethsaida, a city in Galilee, and was the brother of Simon Peter. 

Before becoming a disciple of Jesus, Andrew was a fisherman by profession, working in the waters of the Sea of Galilee.

Andrew had a transformative encounter with Jesus when he called him to follow Him. 

Immediately, he abandoned his old life as a fisherman and became a devoted disciple.

Throughout Jesus' ministry, Andrew was a witness to His miracles, teachings, and the unconditional love He demonstrated.  

However, not all of Jesus' followers remained steadfast in their faith.

Why did some disciples abandon Jesus? For André, this question was confronted with his continued loyalty and commitment to the Master.

Although Andrew is not one of the most prominent disciples in biblical accounts, he had notable moments.

It was Andrew who introduced his brother, Peter, to Jesus, and is often mentioned as a link between Jesus and others.  

After Jesus' death and resurrection, Andrew played a pivotal role in spreading the gospel.

He preached in Greece and was instrumental in converting many people to Christianity. 

What were André's achievements? 

The achievements of Andrew, a disciple of Jesus, are closely linked to his dedication to spreading the message of the gospel.

Although Andrew is not as prominent as other disciples in biblical accounts, he played a significant role. 

One of his notable achievements was the introduction of his brother, Simon Peter, to Jesus.

André recognized the importance of encountering Jesus and shared this transformative experience with his brother, who would become a central figure in Jesus' ministry. 

Additionally, Andrew served as an intermediary between Jesus and others.

For example, when a group of Greeks sought to meet Jesus, it was Andrew who facilitated the meeting, showing his willingness to connect people with the Savior. 

After Jesus' death and resurrection, Andrew played an active role in spreading the gospel.

He traveled and preached in various regions, especially in Greece, bringing the message of salvation and inviting others to follow Jesus. 

Although there are few specific accounts of André's accomplishments, his dedication and willingness to share Jesus' message left a lasting legacy.

Their service and faithfulness inspire believers to be instruments of transformation and to share the love of Christ with the world. 

What did Andrew do when Jesus called him to become a disciple? 

When Jesus called Andrew to become His disciple, Andrew was busy practicing his profession as a fisherman.

He was an experienced fisherman who worked in the waters of the Sea of Galilee. 

However, when Jesus invited him to follow Him, Andrew promptly abandoned his nets and followed the Master.

Andrew's readiness to leave his career behind and respond to Jesus' call demonstrates his willingness to give himself completely to Him. 

He recognized the importance and magnitude of this divine calling and did not hesitate to obey.

From that moment on, André dedicated himself to accompanying Jesus in His ministry, witnessing His teachings, miracles and the transforming power of His presence. 

He became a faithful and committed disciple, willing to learn from Jesus and follow in His footsteps.

André's decision to abandon his profession and follow Jesus is an inspiring example of readiness and dedication. 

It challenges us to examine our own lives and be willing to let go of everything that holds us back in order to respond to Jesus' call and follow Him wholeheartedly.

Who killed Andrew, disciple of Jesus?

There are no reliable historical records that provide definitive information about who killed Andrew, Jesus' disciple.

Christian tradition and ancient accounts suggest that he was also martyred for his faith. 

According to these traditions, Andrew was crucified on an “X” shaped cross in the city of Patras, Greece.

However, it is important to highlight that these reports are based on oral traditions and not on verifiable historical sources. 

The true identity of his persecutors and executioners remains unknown.

Although we cannot say for certain who killed Andrew, his death is a powerful reminder of the price some of Jesus' disciples paid for their faithfulness. 

His willingness to give his life for his faith inspires the devotion and courage of many Christians to this day.

FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

“What did Andrew do when Jesus called him to become a disciple?”

André, like his brother Simão Pedro, was a fisherman.

In the book of Matthew (4:18-20), it is reported that Jesus saw Andrew and Peter casting a net into the sea, as they were fishermen, and called them to follow him, promising that he would “fishermen of men“.

“Was Andrew Jesus’ first disciple?”

According to the gospel of John (1:40-42), Andrew was the first disciple to follow Jesus.

Initially, Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist, and after hearing John the Baptist recognize Jesus as the Lamb of God, Andrew followed Jesus and then led his brother Peter to him.

“Who was Andrew in the Bible?”

Andrew was one of Jesus' twelve apostles.

He was the brother of Simão Pedro and was a fisherman by profession.

Andrew is known for being the disciple who, according to John's gospel, brought a young man with five barley loaves and two fish to Jesus, which Jesus used to feed the crowd.

“What do we know about André’s personality?”

In Scripture, Andrew is presented as a caring, people-oriented figure.

He is often found bringing people to Jesus, whether it be his brother Peter or the boy with the loaves and fishes.

This suggests that he was sociable and had a strong commitment to the ministry of Jesus.

“What was Andrew’s life like after following Jesus?”

After following Jesus, Andrew became one of his closest apostles and participated in many important events in Jesus' ministry.

After Jesus' ascension, church tradition suggests that Andrew preached the gospel in several areas, including present-day Greece, where he was martyred.

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