Aguarde Carregando

The temptation of Jesus: what was it and how did Jesus react?


A temptation of Jesus It is one of the most striking and significant events of His earthly ministry.

The temptation of Jesus - Seeds of Faith
The temptation of Jesus – Seeds of Faith

Recorded in the gospels, this episode describes the moment when Jesus was taken to the desert and tempted by the devil. 

This challenging experience reveals the human nature of Jesus and His victory over the forces of evil.

In this text, we will explore the details of Jesus' temptation, examining the three specific temptations He faced and the way He resisted them. 


Through this account, we can learn valuable lessons about the strength, wisdom and determination that Jesus demonstrated when facing the devil's tricks, let's discover what Jesus' temptation was!

What was the temptation of Jesus? 

The temptation of Jesus is a crucial event narrated in the gospels that occurred shortly after His baptism by John the Baptist.

As described in the Scriptures, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the desert, where he was tempted by the devil for forty days. 

During this period, Satan presented three temptations to Jesus. The first was the temptation of bread, where the devil instigated Jesus to turn stones into bread to satisfy His hunger. 

The second was the temptation of power, where Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for worship.

And finally, the third temptation was the temptation to put God to the test, suggesting that Jesus throw himself from the top of the temple to prove His divinity.

However, Jesus stood firm and resisted the devil's temptations, quoting Scripture and reaffirming his loyalty to God.

His response was a demonstration of His trust and obedience to God, and a clear rejection of the enemy's seductive offers. 

The temptation of Jesus is of great importance, as in addition to revealing His human nature and His ability to overcome evil, it also teaches us valuable lessons about resisting temptations and the importance of trusting God in times of adversity. 

It is a powerful example of how we should face trials in our own lives, seeking divine guidance and remaining faithful to the principles of faith.

How did Jesus resist temptation? 

Jesus resisted the devil's temptations in an exemplary manner, demonstrating His full obedience to God and His spiritual strength.

In each temptation, He used the Word of God as a weapon to refute the enemy's attacks. 

In the first temptation, Jesus was hungry after forty days of fasting, and the devil challenged him to turn stones into bread.

However, Jesus replied, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). 

He made it clear that physical satisfaction was not his priority, but rather obeying God's will. In the second temptation, the devil offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for worship. 

But Jesus quickly replied: “Go away, Satan, for it is written: You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve” (Matthew 4:10). 

He rejected the pursuit of earthly power and riches, maintaining his exclusive loyalty to God. In the third temptation, the devil urged Jesus to throw himself from the top of the temple to prove that the angels would protect him. 

Jesus replied, “It is also written, You shall not put the Lord your God to the test” (Matthew 4:7). He did not allow pride or presumption to dominate him, trusting fully in God's will and care. 

Who tempted Jesus in the desert? 

In the desert, Jesus was tempted by the devil. Satan himself, known as the adversary of God and the enemy of humanity, was the one who sought to divert Jesus from His divine purpose. 

The biblical account describes how the devil approached Jesus during His period of fasting and physical weakness, trying to seduce Him with deceptive promises and divert Him from the path of obedience to God.

The devil is portrayed as a cunning and deceptive figure, using various strategies to tempt Jesus to give in to his proposals. 

However, despite the subtle and seemingly alluring temptations, Jesus remained steadfast in His devotion to God and rejected all the devil's advances.

Why was Jesus tempted?

Jesus was tempted to demonstrate His human nature and His full identification with humanity.

By experiencing temptations, He was able to share our weaknesses and understand the challenges we face. 

Furthermore, Jesus' temptation served as an example for us, showing how to face the onslaught of evil and remain faithful to God.

By resisting temptations, Jesus showed His holiness, obedience, and trust in God. 

He became the perfect model for how we should act when faced with the seductions of sin.

His victory over temptations also demonstrated His authority over the devil and the victory He won for humanity. 

The temptation of Jesus was an essential part of His redemptive mission, showing that He came to free us from the power of sin and the influence of evil.

By remaining immaculate and sinless, He became the perfect sacrifice to reconcile humanity with God.

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FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

What was the temptation of Jesus?

The temptation of Jesus is an event reported in the New Testament of the Bible, where Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the desert and was tempted by the devil.

“Where was Jesus tempted?”

Jesus was tempted in the Judean desert, shortly after his baptism by John the Baptist.

“Who tempted Jesus?”

According to the Bible, Jesus was tempted by the devil, also known as Satan.

“What were the three temptations that Jesus faced?”

The three temptations that Jesus faced were: turning stones into bread, throwing himself from the pinnacle of the temple hoping that the angels would save him, and worshiping Satan in exchange for all the kingdoms of the world.

“What is the importance of the temptation of Jesus in Christian theology?”

The temptation of Jesus has great importance in Christian theology, as it demonstrates that Jesus, despite being divine, also experienced human temptation, but without giving in to it, reaffirming his mission of redemption and salvation.

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