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Name of the Disciples of Jesus: A Historical and Reflective Look!


The trajectory of Jesus Christ and his doctrine takes us to a group of loyal and committed followers, known as disciples.

Name of the Disciples of Jesus - Seeds of Faith
Name of the Disciples of Jesus – Seeds of Faith

In this article, we will go beyond the name of Jesus' disciples. Let's delve into the heart of this circle of apostles, explore their lives, and understand the depth of their commitment to the Christian message.

But, first of all, let's understand what it means to be a disciple.

Disciples: A Definition

Disciples, from the Latin “disciples”, which means “apprentice”, are those who learn, follow and adopt the ideas and practices of a master or leader.


In the context of the New Testament, Jesus' disciples were those who followed his teachings, participated in his journey, and spread his message throughout the world.

Name of Jesus' Disciples

Jesus had twelve main disciples, known as apostles, a term that comes from the Greek “apostles“, meaning “thethose sent far away“.

Among these twelve are figures known as Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James (son of Alphaeus), Thaddeus, Simon (the Zealot) and Judas Iscariot, the latter being replaced by Matias after his betrayal.


Originally called Simon, Peter was one of Jesus' first disciples. He was a fisherman by profession and is known for his leadership among the apostles. He was very important in the spread of early Christianity.


Brother of Pedro, André was also a fisherman before becoming a disciple. He is remembered for introducing his brother to Jesus, which demonstrates his willingness to share what was important to him.

James, son of Zebedee

Often referred to as James the Greater, he was the brother of João and also a fisherman. His fervent nature is evident in several biblical stories.


Brother of Tiago It is co-author of the Gospel of John, he was known as the “beloved disciple”. Its proximity to Jesus offers a unique glimpse into his ministry.


Originally from Bethsaida, the same city as Peter and Andrew, Philip is remembered for his inquisitive spirit and search for truth.

Bartholomew (also known as Nathanael)

This apostle is celebrated for his sincerity and honesty. He is famous for the phrase: “Can anything good come from Nazareth?”, to which Filipe responds: “Come and see”.


Before a tax collector, Matthew left everything to follow Jesus. He is credited as the author of the first Gospel of the New Testament.


Despite his initial doubt about the resurrection, Thomas is remembered for his courage and willingness to follow Jesus, even when it meant death.

James, son of Alphaeus

Often referred to as James the Less, to distinguish it from James the Greater. Although little is known about him, his constant presence indicates loyalty and commitment.

Simon the Zealot

This apostle stands out for his fervent desire to resist Roman oppression. His inclusion among the disciples demonstrates his ability to Jesus to unite people from different backgrounds.

Thaddeus (or Lebeu)

This apostle is often associated with Judas, James' brother (not Iscariot). He is remembered for his question to Jesus at Last Supper, which resulted in a beautiful promise from Jesus.

Judas Iscariot

Sadly remembered for his betrayal of Jesus, Jude serves as a tragic reminder of the consequences of allowing greed and despair to overcome faith and trust.

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The story of the disciples of Jesus it is a rich and complex tapestry of faith, sacrifice and devotion.

As we study their lives and journeys, we are invited to reflect on the lasting impact of their commitments and the power of the message they tried so hard to share.

In doing so, we reinforce our own commitment to the principles they espoused and continue to learn from their examples.

FAQ – Name of the Disciples of Jesus Christ

How many disciples did Jesus have?

Jesus had twelve main disciples, also known as apostles.

Who replaced Judas Iscariot among the disciples?

After his death, they chose Matthias to take his place among the apostles.

Were all Jesus' disciples men?

Jesus' twelve apostles were all men. However, Jesus had many followers, including several prominent women such as Mary Magdalene.

Which disciple of Jesus betrayed Him?

It was Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus, handing him over to the priests for coins.

Was Paul one of Jesus' original disciples?

No, Paul was not one of the original twelve disciples. He became faithful to Jesus after a vision on the road to Damascus, long after Jesus' crucifixion.

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