Aguarde Carregando

That I lack everything but Your presence: The Profound Message of the Verse


May I lack everything but your presence verse – Among the countless biblical verses that inspire and comfort humanity, one has drawn special attention: “That I lack everything but Your presence“.

That I lack everything but your presence verse - Sementes Da Fé
That I lack everything but your presence verse – Seeds of Faith

This verse, although not found literally in the Bible, summarizes an intense expression of faith and dependence on God.

Through this article, we will explore the depth of this verse and understand the impact of its meaning on the life of the believer.

The Verse: Understanding and Context

That I lack everything but Your presence” is not a literal biblical verse, but a phrase that condenses a feeling present in many passages of Scripture.


We can understand this concept from passages such as Exodus 33:15, where Moses declares: “If your presence is not with us, do not bring us up from this place“.

The central idea is that, without the presence of God, all other things lose their value.

This thought leads us to reflect on the question of “What does God want from me verse” and how this answer is essential to our spiritual journey.

The Presence of God: The Most Important

By saying “That I lack everything but Your presence“, the believer expresses that the presence of God is more important than anything else in life.

This includes material possessions, social status, relationships, and even basic physical needs.

It is an expression of total dependence on God, of desire for His presence and recognition that without Him, we have nothing.

This sentiment is reflected in passages such as Psalm 73:26, which says: “My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever“.

Practical Implications: Living in the Presence of God

The phrase “May I lack everything but your presence verse” has profound practical implications for the life of the believer.

The Good Samaritan verse illustrates this need for love and compassion that is only possible when we have God in our hearts.

It means seeking God above all things, trusting Him in all circumstances and resting in His presence, even in times of scarcity and suffering.

This lifestyle is not only a demonstration of faith, but also a source of strength, peace and joy.

As Psalm 16:11 states: “You will make me know the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy, at your right hand there are pleasures forever“.


That I lack everything but Your presence” is more than a simple verse or poetic phrase.

It is a powerful expression of faith that puts God first and recognizes His presence as the greatest treasure anyone can have.

Who will not enter heaven verse It is Envy is worse than witchcraft verse These are other biblical themes that challenge us to live in accordance with God's will, and that also resonate with the profound message contained in this expression.

This faith transforms the way we live, providing a constant source of hope, strength, and joy, regardless of the circumstances we face.

In the midst of a world full of uncertainty, may we always cry out: “May I lack everything except your presence.”

FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

“Where is the verse “May I lack everything but your presence verse”?”

That I lack everything but your presence verse” is a popular paraphrase, but it is not a specific Bible verse.

However, it captures the spirit of many verses that emphasize the importance of God's presence.

“What is the meaning of “May I lack everything but your presence”?”

This phrase expresses the desire to have the presence of God above all other things.

It signals that, even if everything else is missing or removed, having the presence of God is enough and is the most important thing.

“Is there a verse that expresses a similar feeling to that of “I miss everything but your presence verse”?”

Yes, Psalm 73:26 may express a similar sentiment: “My body and my heart may weaken, but God is the strength of my heart and my inheritance forever.

“How can we seek the presence of God in our daily lives?”

Seeking God's presence can involve practices such as prayer, meditation, reading the Bible, worship, and living according to his commandments and teachings.

“Why is the presence of God so important in the Christian life?”

God's presence is seen as the source of love, strength, comfort and guidance.

It is believed that, with God's presence, Christians can face any challenge, grow in their faith, and live a life that honors God.

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