Aguarde Carregando

How many of Jesus' disciples were fishermen? Learn the professions of Christ's Apostles!


If you've come across the New Testament gospels, you've probably noticed that many of Jesus' disciples had common professions at the time.

How many of Jesus' disciples were fishermen? - Seeds of Faith
How many of Jesus' disciples were fishermen? – Seeds of Faith

Some were fishermen, others tax collectors, and some others still remain a mystery to us. But how many of these disciples of Jesus Were they really fishermen? Let's dive into this question!

But before you know how many of Jesus' disciples were fishermen, how about deepening your knowledge even further about What does it mean to be a disciple? Check out our article about 'What is a disciple'.

How many of Jesus' disciples were fishermen?

The short answer: from according to the gospels, Peter, Andrew, James and John They were professional fishermen. They represent four of the original twelve disciples of Jesus.


Peter and Andrew They were brothers, just like James and John. They worked together on the Sea of Galilee, one of the main sources of fish at that time.

Their lives changed forever when Jesus passed by them and said: “Come with me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19).

Professions of the other Apostles

We have Mateus, who is described as a tax collector before following Jesus.

Tax collectors were not popular in Jewish society at the time, as They were often seen as collaborators with the Roman Empire, but that didn't stop Jesus to call him.

The profession of the other disciples, however, is not specified in the gospelss.

Some scholars suggest that Judas Iscariot could have been a scribe or belonging to the class of Pharisees, but This remains a hypothesis.

Now, you may be wondering, “Why does this matter?”

This information helps us to understand Jesus’ inclusive approach. He did not choose the wise, rich or powerful as your closest followers. Instead, he chose men from humble professions and equipped them to change the world.

The disciples of Jesus were ordinary men called to a extraordinary purpose. They remind us that God's call can reach us, no matter what we do for a living.

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FAQ – “How many of Jesus’ disciples were fishermen?”

“Who were Jesus’ 12 disciples?”

The 12 disciples of Jesus, also known as apostles, were: Peter, Andrew, James the Greater, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the Less, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who was later replaced by Matias.

“What does ‘disciple’ mean?”

The term 'disciple', in Latin, 'discipulus' which means 'learner' or 'follower'. In the Christian context, it refers to those who follow the teachings of Jesus.

“Were the disciples all men?”

The 12 apostles were all men, but the Bible mentions several women who were also disciples and followers of Jesus, such as Mary Magdalene and Martha and Mary of Bethany.

“What did the disciples do for a living?”

Before following Jesus, many of the disciples had common jobs at the time. Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen. Matthew was a tax collector. The professions of others are not specified in the Bible.

“What happened to the disciples after Jesus’ death?”

After Jesus' death, the disciples continued their mission to spread his teachings. They traveled to various places, both inside and outside the Roman Empire, founding Christian communities. Many are believed to have died as martyrs.

“Did the disciples write the Gospels?”

Traditionally, it is believed that Matthew and John, two of the 12 apostles, wrote the Gospels that bear their names. Mark and Luke, authors of the other two Gospels, were also followers of Jesus, although they were not original apostles.

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