Aguarde Carregando

Go into all the world, preach the gospel and make disciples: what does that mean?


“Go into all the world, preach the gospel and make disciples” is a striking verse found in the book of Matthew, chapter 28, verse 19.

Go into all the world and preach the gospel and make disciples: what does that mean? - Creating Revenue
Go into all the world, preach the gospel and make disciples: what does that mean? – Creating Revenue

These words are known as the Great Commission, in which Jesus instructs His disciples to share the gospel message and make disciples of all nations. 

In this text, we will explore the importance of this mandate, highlighting the responsibility of taking the gospel to the world and the transformation that occurs when we fulfill this mission. 

We will see how “Go into all the world and preach the gospel and make disciples” are essential elements to spread the message of the love and salvation of Jesus Christ, get to know us!


Which verse says “Go into all the world and preach the gospel and make disciples”? 

The verse that says “Go into all the world and preach the gospel and make disciples” is recorded in the gospel of Matthew, chapter 28, verse 19.

These words were spoken by Jesus Christ to His disciples after His resurrection and before His ascension into heaven. 

This verse is known as the Great Commission, as Jesus was commissioning His followers to share the gospel message and make disciples in all nations.

An interesting question that may arise is: “How did Jesus' disciples die?” This question refers to the story of each of the disciples and their journeys of faith.

This passage is an imperative call for the church’s missionary action. 

It reminds us of the responsibility we have as Christians to bring the message of salvation and hope to all people around the world.

Jesus commands us to go beyond our comfortable limits and reach those who do not yet know His love. 

This commission also includes disciple-making, which involves not only proclaiming the gospel but also teaching, training, and mentoring those who respond to Jesus' message. 

It is a calling to help others grow in their faith and become committed followers of Christ.

What does the verse that says “Go into all the world and preach the gospel and make disciples” mean?  

The verse “Go into all the world and preach the gospel and make disciples” is a powerful statement found in the book of Matthew, chapter 28, verse 19. 

These words are known as the Great Commission, where Jesus instructs His disciples to reach beyond borders, sharing the gospel message and making disciples in all nations. 

This passage represents the central mission of the Christian church.

She teaches us that we should not limit ourselves to a specific place or group.

But we must bring the transformative message of the gospel to all people, regardless of their culture, language or geographic location.

Jesus washing the disciples' feet” is an example of humility and service that should inspire our mission.

Preach the gospel” refers to sharing the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. 

It is communicating the message that God loves humanity and offers forgiveness, reconciliation, and eternal life through His Son.

The gospel is the message of hope, restoration and redemption.

Make disciples” goes beyond simply proclaiming the gospel. 

It involves investing time and resources to teach, nurture, and empower people to follow Jesus, grow in their relationship with Him, and become committed disciples. 

It is a call to transmit the teaching of Jesus, share life in community and equip others to live according to the principles of the Kingdom of God.

Why should we preach the gospel?

We must preach the gospel because it is a vital mission for the Christian church.

The gospel is the message of salvation and God's love for humanity.

By sharing this message, we fulfill Jesus' mandate to bring the good news to all people. 

Preaching the gospel is an expression of love and compassion for those around us.

Many still do not know the liberating truth found in Jesus Christ, and it is our duty to share this transformative gift. 

Furthermore, preaching the gospel is a response to God's call to be His collaborators in reconciling the world with Him.

It is an opportunity to participate in the divine plan of redemption and restoration. 

Through preaching the gospel, we are God's instruments to bring hope, forgiveness, healing and transformation to people's lives.

It is a way of sharing the truth that frees, bringing the possibility of an abundant life in communion with God. 

Why should we make new disciples?

We must make new disciples because it is an essential part of God's purpose for the church.

Jesus commissioned us to go and make disciples of all nations, passing on the teachings and principles of the Kingdom of God. 

Making new disciples is a reflection of God's love and His desire for all to know and experience salvation in Christ.

It is a response to the commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves, sharing the good news and inviting others to follow Jesus. 

Furthermore, making new disciples is important for healthy church growth.

What did Jesus send his disciples to look for?” This question leads us to the understanding that the search is for lost souls, who need redemption through faith in Christ.

By bringing new people into the family of faith, there is an expansion of the body of Christ and a diversity of gifts and talents that contribute to mutual edification. 

Making new disciples also means investing in lives and helping others grow in their relationship with God.

It is sharing experiences, teachings and encouragement, providing an environment for learning and discipleship.

FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

"What it means "Go into all the world and preach the gospel“?”

This is an instruction from Jesus to his disciples, known as the Great Commission, which is recorded in the book of Mark 16:15.

It means that disciples (and by extension, all Christians) are called to spread the good news of the gospel of Christ throughout the earth.

“What is the Great Commission?”

The Great Commission is Jesus' mandate to his disciples to spread his teachings and make disciples in all nations.

It is mentioned in several New Testament books, including Matthew 28:16-20 and Mark 16:15.

“How can we fulfill the Great Commission today?”

Fulfilling the Great Commission today can involve a variety of actions, including sharing the Christian faith with others, doing local and foreign missions, helping those in need, or financially supporting and praying for those who are doing missionary work.

“Why is the Great Commission important to Christians?”

The Great Commission is seen as one of Jesus' most important mandates to his followers.

It represents the call to evangelization, the mission to bring the gospel of Christ to all people everywhere, and is a central part of the mission and purpose of the Church.

“What does “make disciples” mean?”

Making disciples involves more than just sharing the gospel or converting people to Christianity.

It involves teaching, training, and guiding others in the Christian faith so that they can grow in their relationship with God and, in turn, make disciples of others.

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