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Difference between Disciple and Apostle!


Today, we are going to address a common question that many Christians have: What is the difference between a disciple and an apostle?

Difference between Disciple and Apostle! - Seeds of Faith
Difference between Disciple and Apostle! – Seeds of Faith

Dive into the vast sea of Holy Scriptures It is a rich and rewarding journey. However, it can also be a bit challenging.

Some words and terms tend to cause confusion, especially when they are not well understood.

Main differences

At the Novo Testamento, the word 'disciple' also originates from the Greek term 'mathetes', that means 'apprentice' or 'student‘.


However, when the word 'apostle' is mentioned, it comes from the Greek term 'apostles', that means 'sent‘.

Even though all the apostles were disciples, Not all disciples became apostles.

The apostles were a select group that Jesus chose It is sent to spread the Gospel after His ascension.

They received special gifts from the Holy Spirit to fulfill this mission.

Disciples, on the other hand, are all those who follow Jesus, learning and living according to Your teachings.

Confusion of Terms

Pharisee and Sadducee

There are other terms in Bible which can also cause confusion. For example, 'Pharisee' It is 'Sadduceeare often misinterpreted.

Both were religious groups within Judaism during the time of Jesus, but they had very different beliefs and practices.

Covenant and Testament

Another pair of terms that can be confusing is 'alliance' It is 'testament‘. Both are used to refer to a pact or agreement.

However, 'alliancegenerally refers to a divinely established agreement between God and His people, while 'testament' is most commonly used to refer to sections of the biblical canon (Old Testament and New Testament).

Salvation and Redemption

'Salvation', derived from the Greek term 'soteria', refers to liberation from something. In Christian theology, it refers to liberation from sin and its consequences.

In contrast, 'redemption' is derived from the Greek term 'apolytrosis', which means 'to redeem' or 'to buy back'.

In the biblical context, it speaks of God's action in Jesus Christ to rescue humanity from sin.

Mercy and Grace

Another pair of terms that are sometimes used interchangeably, but actually have different nuances, are 'mercy' and 'grace'.

'Mercy' is God's compassion for us in our miseries and afflictions, and his willingness to alleviate our suffering. 'Grace', on the other hand, is God's unmerited love, demonstrated in His free gift of salvation.

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Although the Bible may seem like a maze of unfamiliar words and confusing terms, understanding what meaning behind each it can open up a new world of knowledge and understanding.

Know the difference between a disciple and an apostle, as well as other pairs of terms, can immensely enrich your reading of the Bible and your path of faith.

Keep digging deeper in the meaning of words and discovering new treasures in the Word of God. Remember if, each step on this journey brings you closer to God and His love for you.

FAQ – “Difference between Disciple and Apostles”

“What is a disciple?”

The word 'disciple' in the New Testament comes from the Greek term 'mathetes', which means 'apprentice' or 'student'.

Disciples are all those who follow Jesus, learning and living according to His teachings.

“What is an apostle?”

The word 'apostle' comes from the Greek term 'apostolos', which means 'sent'.

The apostles were a select group that Jesus chose and sent to spread the Gospel after His ascension.

They received special gifts from the Holy Spirit to fulfill this mission.

“Are all disciples apostles?”

No, although all of the apostles were disciples of Jesus, not all of the disciples became apostles.

Apostles were a specific group of disciples chosen and sent by Jesus to spread the Gospel.

“What is the difference between 'covenant' and 'testament' in the Bible?”

'Covenant' generally refers to a divinely established agreement between God and His people, while 'testament' is more commonly used to refer to sections of the biblical canon (Old Testament and New Testament).

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