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Proverbs, Chapter 6:


Verses from Proverbs, Chapter 6 of the book of Proverbs in the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament

Warning against madness

  • 1. My son, if you have undertaken to be a guarantor for someone, committed yourself to guaranteeing a stranger's debt,
  • 2. and now he is trapped by the words he spoke, becoming entangled in his own promises,
  • 3. So, my son, humble yourself before your neighbor, persevere and insist, don't give up until you resolve the issue.
  • 4. Do not give up your sleep to rest, nor allow laziness to overcome you.
  • 5. Flee as a gazelle flees from the hunter, and as a bird escapes from the trap that holds it.
  • 6. Learn from the ant, O sluggard, observe his ways and acquire wisdom!
  • 7. Despite not having a leader to guide her, nor a supervisor or ruler,
  • 8. She prepares herself during the summer and at harvest time gathers her food.
  • 9. How long will you continue sleeping, oh lazy one? When will you finally wake up from your sleep?
  • 10. A little sleep, a little nap, a little folding your arms to rest,
  • 11. and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want will attack you like an armed man.
  • 12. The heart of the wicked is lacking in character, and his lips constantly plot evil.
  • 13. Speaks in a disguised way, blinks his eyes, shuffles his feet and makes signs with his fingers.
  • 14. Your mind is always scheming evil, sowing discord wherever it goes.
  • 15. But his ruin will come suddenly; will be irreversibly destroyed.
  • 16. There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that he considers abominable:
  • 17. haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
  • 18. mind that plans evil, feet that rush to do evil,
  • 19. false witness who spreads lies and sows discord between brothers.

Warning against adultery

  • 20. Listen, my son, to your father's commandments, do not abandon your mother's teaching.
  • 21. Engrave them on your heart, tie them around your neck.
  • 22. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will be with you; when you wake up, they will talk to you.
  • 23. For the commandment is a lamp, and the teaching is a light; the corrections of discipline are the path to life,
  • 24. protecting him from the immoral woman, and from the flattery of the frivolous woman.
  • 25. Don't be seduced by her beauty, nor be carried away by her looks.
  • 26. For the prostitute demands a piece of bread, but the adulteress seeks the man's life.
  • 27. Can someone set fire to their chest without burning their clothes?
  • 28. Or walk on hot coals without burning your feet?
  • 29. So it is with anyone who sleeps with his neighbor's wife; Anyone who touches this fire will not go unpunished.
  • 30. A thief is not despised if he steals to satisfy his hunger.
  • 31. However, if he is caught, he will pay seven times as much; You will have to hand over all your household goods.
  • 32. But the man who commits adultery has no sense; It is destroying itself.
  • 33. He will suffer injuries and shame, and his dishonor will never be erased.
  • 34. Jealousy enrages the husband, and he will show no mercy in taking revenge.
  • 35. No compensation will calm you; no gift will appease him.

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