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What did the three wise men bring to Jesus? See in detail!


What did the three wise men bring to Jesus? In this text, we will explore the visit of the three wise men to the newborn Jesus and what they took as gifts.

What did the three wise men bring to Jesus? - Seeds of Faith
What did the three wise men bring to Jesus? – Seeds of Faith

We will discover the spiritual and symbolic meaning of these gifts – gold, frankincense and myrrh. 

These gifts have profound value and reveal important aspects of Jesus’ identity and mission.

The story of the three wise men invites us to reflect on the adoration and recognition of Jesus as the promised Messiah. 


When we understand What did the three wise men bring to Jesus, we will be led to a greater understanding of the impact and significance of this event in the history of Christianity, discover it with us!

Who were the three wise men? 

The three wise men are characters known for their visit to the newborn Jesus, as described in the gospels.

Although the Bible does not provide many details about their identity, Christian tradition and later histories attribute specific names and characteristics to these kings. 

According to Western tradition, the three wise men are called Melchior, Gaspar and Balthazar. Each of them represented a different region and brought with them symbolic gifts. 

Melchior was a wise man with white hair and brought gold, which represented Jesus' royalty. 

Gaspar was young and offered incense, symbolizing the newborn's divinity. Balthazar was a middle-aged man and brought myrrh, an element associated with death and sacrifice. 

Eastern tradition, in turn, attributes different names and characteristics to the wise men, such as Larvandad, Gush Asaph and Hormisdas.

Some traditions also suggest that they represented different ethnicities, with Melchior representing Asia, Gaspar representing Europe, and Balthazar representing Africa.

What did the three wise men bring to Jesus? 

The three wise men, also known as the wise men of the East, brought symbolic gifts to Jesus during his visit to the newborn King of the Jews.

According to Christian tradition, each of the wise men offered a significant gift. 

The first gift was gold. Gold represents royalty and valor, symbolizing the divine nature of Jesus and His position as King of kings. The gift of gold was a recognition of the authority and power that Jesus held. 

The second gift was incense. Incense was used in religious rituals as a form of worship and reverence for God.

By offering incense, the wise men recognized Jesus' holiness and divinity, attributes that made him worthy of worship. 

The third gift was myrrh. Myrrh was a perfume that is a substance used in funeral rituals. His presence in the gifts of the wise men foreshadowed the sacrifice and death of Jesus. 

This gift symbolized the redemption and salvation that Jesus would bring to the world through His sacrifice on the cross. 

These gifts from the wise men were more than mere material objects. They represented deep spiritual meanings and revealed the wise men's understanding of the nature and mission of Jesus. 

Those present highlight the importance of the newborn Jesus as the Messiah and the relevance of His coming to the history of humanity.

Was Mary persecuted before giving birth to Jesus? 

There are no biblical records that indicate that Mary was persecuted before giving birth to Jesus. 

However, her pregnancy brought challenges and questions. Mary was a young virgin, promised in marriage to Joseph, when the angel Gabriel announced that she would be the mother of the Messiah. 

This news was unprecedented and certainly generated misunderstanding and even distrust in the community.

Furthermore, according to the biblical account, Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, due to the census imposed by the Roman Empire. 

Although there was no direct persecution of Mary, her journey was marked by challenges and sacrifices, demonstrating her faith and devotion to God.

Who persecuted Jesus?

Jesus faced persecution from different groups during his earthly ministry. The main figures involved in the persecution of Jesus were the Jewish religious authorities, such as the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the scribes. 

These religious leaders felt threatened by Jesus' revolutionary teaching, which challenged their traditions and authority.

In addition to religious authorities, Jesus also faced opposition from Roman political authorities, represented by Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea. 

Although Pilate initially showed reluctance to condemn Jesus, he bowed to popular pressure and allowed His crucifixion. 

The persecution of Jesus intensified as His popularity grew among the masses, especially because of His teachings about the Kingdom of God and His claim to be the Messiah. 

Envy, fear of power and the threat to the established order were some of the reasons behind the persecution of Jesus.

However, despite persecution and crucifixion, Jesus' message survived and His impact spread throughout the world, becoming the basis of Christianity. 

His life, death and resurrection left a lasting legacy of love, forgiveness and redemption for humanity.

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FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

Who were the three wise men?

The three wise men, also known as wise men from the east, are characters who appear in the account of Jesus' birth in the Gospel of Matthew.

Their names or exactly where they lived are not specified.

“What gifts did the three wise men bring to Jesus?”

The three wise men brought Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh.

“What is the meaning of the gifts from the three wise men?”

The gifts of the wise men are often interpreted symbolically: the gold representing Jesus' royalty, the frankincense his divinity, and the myrrh his future death and embalming.

“Did the wise men really exist?”

The existence of the wise men is a matter of faith.

The story is told in the Gospel of Matthew in the Bible, but there are no independent historical records that confirm the visit of wise men to Jesus.

“Why did the wise men visit Jesus?”

According to the Gospel of Matthew, the wise men were guided by a star to Jesus.

They visited Jesus because they believed he was the “king of the Jews.”

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