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2 Kings, Chapter 16:


Verses from 2 Kings, Chapter 16 of the book of 2 Kings of the Bible.

2 Kings - Old Testament
2 Kings – Old Testament

Ahaz is king of Judah

  • 1. In the seventeenth year of the reign of Pekah son of Remaliah, Ahaz son of Jotham became king of Judah.
  • 2. Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. Unlike David, his predecessor, he did not do what the Lord his God approved.
  • 3. He followed the ways of the kings of Israel and even burned his own son as a sacrifice, imitating the abominable customs of the nations that the Lord had expelled from before the Israelites.
  • 4. Furthermore, he offered sacrifices and burned incense on the idolatrous altars, on the hills and under every leafy tree.
  • 5. Then Rezin king of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel went out to fight against Ahaz and besieged Jerusalem. However, they were unable to defeat him.
  • 6. At that time, Rezin recovered Elath for Syria, expelling the men of Judah. The Edomites then settled in Elath, where they live to this day.
  • 7. Ahaz sent messengers to Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, saying, “I am your servant and your vassal. Come and rescue me from the hands of the king of Syria and the king of Israel, who are attacking me.”
  • 8. Ahaz collected the silver and gold found in the temple of the Lord and in the treasuries of the royal palace, and sent it as a gift to the king of Assyria.
  • 9. The king of Assyria responded to his request, marched against Damascus, conquered it, and took its people captive to Kir. He also killed Rezim.
  • 10. Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria. He saw an altar in Damascus and sent Uriah the priest a detailed model of the altar, with all its specifications.
  • 11. The priest Uriah built an altar just as King Ahaz had ordered, before the king returned from Damascus.
  • 12. When the king returned from Damascus, he saw the altar and approached it to offer sacrifices on it.
  • 13. He burned his burnt offering and his grain offering, poured out his drink offering, and sprinkled the blood of his communion sacrifices on the altar.
  • 14. Ahaz removed the bronze altar that was before the Lord between the new altar and the temple and placed it on the north side of the new altar.
  • 15. He gave these instructions to Uriah the priest: “Offer the morning burnt offering, the evening grain offering, the king's burnt offering and his grain offering, the burnt offering and the grain offering of all the people, and pour it on the altar all the blood of burnt offerings and sacrifices. But I will use the bronze altar to seek guidance from the Lord.”
  • 16. Uriah the priest did everything as King Ahaz ordered.
  • 17. The king removed the side panels of the washing carts, removed the basins from above them, and placed the sea on a stone base.
  • 18. Also for the sake of the king of Assyria, Ahaz removed the covering that had been built on the Sabbath and that covered the porch of the temple. Furthermore, he closed the side entrance to the temple of the Lord, which was used by the royal family.
  • 19. The other events of Ahaz's reign and all his achievements are written in the historical records of the kings of Judah.
  • 20. Ahaz rested with his ancestors and was buried with them in the City of David. His son Hezekiah was his successor on the throne.

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