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2 Samuel, Chapter 15:


Verses from 2 Samuel, Chapter 15 of the book of 1 Samuel in the Bible.

2 Samuel - Old Testament
2 Samuel – Old Testament

Absalom's conspiracy

  • 1. After some time, Absalom acquired a chariot, horses and an escort of fifty men.
  • 2. He would get up early and stay close to the path that led to the city gate. Whenever someone brought a case to be decided by the king, Absalom called him and asked which city he came from. The person replied that he was from one of the tribes of Israel,
  • 3. and Absalom said: “Your cause is just and legitimate, but there is no one representing the king to hear you.”
  • 4. And Absalom added: “Oh, if I were appointed judge of this land! All those who have a legal cause or issue would come to me, and I would give them justice.”
  • 5. And whenever anyone approached to prostrate himself before him, Absalom stretched out his hand, embraced and kissed the person.
  • 6. Thus, Absalom won the loyalty of the men of Israel, as he acted in this way with all the Israelites who came to seek justice from the king.
  • 7. After four years, Absalom said to the king, “Allow me to go to Hebron to fulfill a vow I made to the Lord.
  • 8. When I was in Geshur, Syria, I made this vow: If the Lord allows me to return to Jerusalem, I will worship Him in Hebron.”
  • 9. “Go in peace,” replied the king. Then Absalom left for Hebron.
  • 10. Absalom sent messengers secretly to all the tribes of Israel, saying, “When you hear the sound of trumpets, proclaim, 'Absalom is king in Hebron.'”
  • 11. Absalom took two hundred men from Jerusalem, who were invited and did not know what was happening.
  • 12. After offering sacrifices, Absalom sent for Ahithophel, from Gilo, David's counselor. The conspiracy gained strength, and the number of those who followed Absalom increased.

David's escape

  • 13. Then a messenger arrived and informed David: “The Israelites are with Absalom!”
  • 14. At this, David said to the counselors who were with him in Jerusalem: “Let us flee, or we will not be able to escape Absalom. If we do not leave immediately, he will overtake us, bring destruction upon us, and kill the people with the sword.”
  • 15. The king's counselors replied, “We are ready to do whatever the king decides.”
  • 16. Then the king left, followed by his entire family. However, he left ten concubines to take care of the palace.
  • 17. So the king and all the people left, stopping at the last house in the city.
  • 18. All his soldiers passed by him: all the Cherethites, Pelethites and the six hundred Gittites who accompanied him from Gath.
  • 19. The king said to Ittai of Gath, “Why are you going with us? Go back and be with the new king, for you are a foreigner and an exile from your land.
  • 20. You arrived recently. How could I take it with me? Go back and take your brothers with you. May the Lord treat you with kindness and faithfulness!”
  • 21. However, Ittai answered the king: “I swear by the name of the Lord and by his life that wherever my lord the king is, there I will be, whether to live or to die!”
  • 22. Then David said to Ittai, “Okay, go ahead.” And Ittai the Gittite marched with all his soldiers and the families that were with him.
  • 23. All the people wept loudly as the army passed by. The king crossed the Kidron Valley, and all the people went with him toward the desert.
  • 24. Zadok was also there, and with him all the Levites who carried the ark of the covenant of God. Abiathar was also present. They placed the ark of God on the ground until all the people left the city.
  • 25. Then the king said to Zadok, “Take the ark of God back to the city. If the Lord has compassion on me, He will bring me back and allow me to see the ark and the place where it must remain.
  • 26. But if He says He no longer delights in me, I'm here! Do with me what He thinks is best.”
  • 27. David also said to Zadok the priest, “Be alert! Return to the city in peace, together with your son Ahimaaz and Jonathan, son of Abiathar.
  • 28. I will wait for news of you in the desert valleys.”
  • 29. Then Zadok and Abiathar took the ark of God back to Jerusalem, where they remained.
  • 30. But David continued up the Mount of Olives, walking and weeping, with his head covered and his feet bare. And everyone who accompanied him also had their heads covered and went up crying.
  • 31. When David was informed that Ahithophel was among the conspirators supporting Absalom, David prayed, “O Lord, turn Ahithophel’s counsels into madness!”
  • 32. When David arrived at the top of the mountain, where the people used to worship God, Hushai the Arachite came to meet him. He had torn clothes and dirt on his head.
  • 33. David said to him, “There is no point in coming with me.
  • 34. But if he returns to the city, he can say to Absalom, 'I will be your servant, O king. I once served your father, but now I will serve you.' In this way you will help me to frustrate Ahithophel's advice.
  • 35. Zadok and Abiathar the priests will be with you. Inform them of everything you hear in the palace.
  • 36. Their two sons will also be there: Ahimaaz and Jonathan. Through them, I will receive news of everything that happens.”
  • 37. David's friend Hushai arrived in Jerusalem as Absalom was entering the city

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