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Proverbs, Chapter 31:


Verses from Proverbs Chapter 31 of the book of Proverbs in the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament

Sayings of King Lemuel

  • 1. Words of King Lemuel; advice given to him by his mother:
  • 2. “O my son, fruit of my womb, the answer to my prayers,
  • 3. Do not waste your energy on women, nor your vigor on seductions that ruin kings.
  • 4. “It is not fit for kings, O Lemuel, nor is it fit for rulers to drink wine, nor to crave intoxicating drinks,
  • 5. lest they drink and forget what the law commands and fail to do justice to the oppressed.
  • 6. Give intoxicating drinks to those who are about to die, wine to the afflicted;
  • 7. so that they may drink and forget their misery, and no longer remember their misfortune.
  • 8. “Raise your voice in favor of those who cannot defend themselves, be the protector of all the helpless.
  • 9. Raise your voice and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

The wife of noble character

  • 10. An exemplary wife; Blessed is he who finds her! She is more valuable than rubies.
  • 11. Her husband trusts her completely and will never lack for anything.
  • 12. She only does him good, and never evil, all the days of her life.
  • 13. She chooses wool and linen and works with pleasure with her hands.
  • 14. Like merchant ships, she brings home food from afar.
  • 15. Before dawn, she gets up, prepares food for the whole family and distributes tasks to her servants.
  • 16. She evaluates a field and buys it; With his earnings, he plants a vineyard.
  • 17. She dedicates herself to her work with pleasure; his arms are strong and vigorous.
  • 18. She manages her profitable trade wisely, and her lamp does not go out at night.
  • 19. In her hands she holds the spindle and with her fingers she manages the distaff.
  • 20. She extends her hand to those in need and pities the poor.
  • 21. Don't fear the snow for your family, as everyone is well dressed.
  • 22. she makes covers for her bed; He is dressed in fine linen and purple.
  • 23. Your husband is respected at the city gates, where he sits with the leaders of the land.
  • 24. She makes clothes to sell and supplies belts to merchants.
  • 25. She is clothed with strength and dignity; smiles at the future.
  • 26. Speak with wisdom and teach with love.
  • 27. Take care of the affairs of your home and do not allow laziness to dominate you.
  • 28. Her children stand up and praise her; her husband also praises her, saying:
  • 29. “Many women are virtuous, but you surpass them all.”
  • 30. Beauty is deceiving, and beauty is fleeting; but the woman who fears the Lord will be praised.
  • 31. May she be rewarded for her deeds, and her works be praised at the city gates.

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