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Psalms, Chapter 89:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 89 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. I will sing of the love of the Lord forever; With my lips I will announce Your faithfulness throughout all generations.
  • 2. I know that your love is steadfast forever, And in the heavens you have established your faithfulness.
  • 3. You said: “I made a covenant with my chosen one, I swore to my servant David:
  • 4. 'I will establish your descendants forever, And I will establish your throne for all generations' “.
  • 5. The heavens extol your wonders, Lord, And your faithfulness in the assembly of saints.
  • 6. For among the heavenly beings, Who can compare with the Lord? Who, among the heavenly beings, Resembles you, O Lord?
  • 7. In the assembly of saints, God is fearful, More than all those around him.
  • 8. O Lord, God of hosts, Who is like you? You are powerful, Lord, Covered by your faithfulness.
  • 9. You rule the troubled sea; When its waves rise, You calm them.
  • 10. You crushed and defeated the Sea Monster; With your mighty arm, You scattered your enemies.
  • 11. The heavens belong to you, as does the earth; You founded the world and everything in it.
  • 12. You created the North and the South; Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon Sing for joy in your name.
  • 13. Your arm is powerful; Your hand is strong, your right hand is exalted.
  • 14. Righteousness and justice are the foundations Of your throne; Love and fidelity walk before you.
  • 15. How happy are the people Who learned to praise you, Lord, Who walk in the light of your presence!
  • 16. They exult in your name all the time, They rejoice in your righteousness,
  • 17. For you are our glory and our strength, And by your favor you exalt our power.
  • 18. Yes, Lord, you are our shield, O Holy One of Israel, you are our king.
  • 19. In a vision you spoke one day, And to your faithful you said: “I have covered a warrior with strength, I have exalted a man chosen from among the people.
  • 20. I have found my servant David; I anointed him with my holy oil.
  • 21. My hand will support you, And my arm will strengthen you.
  • 22. No enemy will subdue you; No oppressor will dominate you.
  • 23. I will crush his adversaries before him, And I will destroy his enemies.
  • 24. My faithfulness and my love will accompany you, And through my name your power will increase.
  • 25. His hand will rule even the sea; Your right hand will reach the rivers.
  • 26. He will call me: 'You are my Father, My God, the Rock that saves me.'
  • 27. I will also make him my firstborn, the most exalted among the kings of the earth.
  • 28. I will maintain my love for him forever, And my covenant with him will never be broken.
  • 29. I will establish your descendants forever, And your throne will remain as long as the heavens remain.
  • 30. “If your children forsake my law And do not follow my commandments,
  • 31. If they violate my decrees And do not keep my commandments,
  • 32. I will punish their sin with a rod, And their iniquity with stripes;
  • 33. But I will not withdraw my love from him, Nor will I fail in my faithfulness.
  • 34. I will not break my covenant, Nor will I change the promises of my lips.
  • 35. Once for all I have sworn by my holiness, And I will not lie to David:
  • 36. Your offspring will remain forever, And your throne will be like the sun before me;
  • 37. He will be established forever like the moon, The faithful witness in the sky.”
  • 38. But you rejected him, refused him, And raged against your anointed.
  • 39. You have revoked the covenant with your servant, And you have dishonored his crown by casting it to the ground.
  • 40. You have broken down all their walls, And reduced their fortresses to ruins.
  • 41. All who pass by plunder it; He became an object of ridicule for his neighbors.
  • 42. You exalted the right hand of your adversaries, And you filled all your enemies with joy.
  • 43. You took the edge of his sword, And did not support him in battle.
  • 44. You put an end to his splendor And threw his throne to the ground.
  • 45. You shortened the days of his youth; You covered him with a cloak of shame.
  • 46. Until when, Lord? Will you hide your face forever? Will your anger burn like fire?
  • 47. Remember how fleeting my life is. Have you created all men in vain?
  • 48. What man can live and not see death, Or free himself from the power of the grave?
  • 49. O Lord, where is your ancient love, Who faithfully swore to David?
  • 50. Remember, Lord, The insults that your servant has endured, The mockery that in my heart I have to face from all peoples,
  • 51. From the mockery of your enemies, Lord, With which they insult your anointed at every step.
  • 52. Blessed be the Lord forever! Amen and amen.

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