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Psalms, Chapter 44:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 44 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. With our own ears we hear, O God; our fathers told us of the deeds you performed in their time, in the days of old.
  • 2. With your hand you drove out the nations and planted our fathers; you crushed peoples and let our parents flourish.
  • 3. For it was not by the sword that they conquered the land, nor was it their arm that brought them victory; it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, because you were pleased with them.
  • 4. You are my King, O God; orders the salvation of Jacob.
  • 5. With you we trample over our adversaries; in his name we crush those who attack us.
  • 6. I do not trust my bow, and my sword does not grant me victory.
  • 7. But it is you who saved us from our adversaries and humbled those who hate us.
  • 8. In God we boast at all times, and we will praise your name forever.
  • 9. But now you have rejected us and humiliated us; you no longer go out with our armies.
  • 10. You make us retreat before the enemy, and those who hate us despoil us.
  • 11. You handed us over like sheep to be devoured and scattered us among the nations.
  • 12. You sold your people for a bargain, earning nothing from the sale.
  • 13. You have made us an object of contempt to our neighbors, an object of mockery and scorn to those around us.
  • 14. You have made us a byword among the nations; people shake their heads when they see us.
  • 15. I constantly suffer humiliation, and shame covers my face
  • 16. because of insults and blasphemous words, because of the enemy and the avenger.
  • 17. All this happened to us, even though we did not forget you or violate your covenant.
  • 18. Our heart has not strayed and our steps have not strayed from your path;
  • 19. yet you crushed us and covered us with darkness and abandoned us completely.
  • 20. If we had forgotten the name of our God and stretched out our hands to a foreign god,
  • 21. God would certainly have discovered it, for he knows the secrets of the heart!
  • 22. But for your sake we face death every day; we are considered as sheep destined for the slaughter.
  • 23. Awaken, Lord! Why do you sleep? Get up! Don't reject us forever.
  • 24. Why do you hide your face and forget our misery and oppression?
  • 25. We are humbled to the dust; our bodies are prostrate on the ground.
  • 26. Get up! Help us! Rescue us because of your loyal love.

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