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Psalms, Chapter 38:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 38 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger, nor discipline me in your wrath.
  • 2. For your arrows have pierced me, and your hand is heavy on me.
  • 3. Because of your indignation, my whole body is sick; there is no health in my bones because of my sin.
  • 4. My guilt drowns me; They are like a heavy and unbearable burden.
  • 5. My wounds are fetid and festering because of my foolishness.
  • 6. I am bowed down and deeply dejected; All day I walk in lamentation.
  • 7. I am burning with fever; my whole body is sick.
  • 8. I feel weak and overwhelmed; my heart groans in anguish.
  • 9. Lord, all my desires are before you; my sigh is not hidden from you.
  • 10. My heart flutters, my strength abandons me; even the light in my eyes is gone.
  • 11. My friends and companions turn away from me because of my illness; my neighbors are at a distance.
  • 12. Those who desire my death lay traps, those who seek my harm proclaim my ruin; They spend the day planning betrayal.
  • 13. Like a deaf person, I do not hear, like a mute person, I do not open my mouth.
  • 14. I have become like one who does not hear, and in whose mouth there is no answer.
  • 15. Lord, in you I trust; You will answer me, Lord, my God!
  • 16. For I said, “Do not allow them to rejoice at my expense or triumph over me when I stumble.”
  • 17. I'm about to fall, and my pain is always with me.
  • 18. I confess my guilt; I am distressed because of my sin.
  • 19. But my enemies are numerous and powerful; There are many who hate me for no reason.
  • 20. Those who return good for evil slander me because I seek good.
  • 21. Lord, don't abandon me! Do not turn away from me, O my God!
  • 22. Hurry to help me, Lord, my Savior!

Online Bible

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