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Psalms, Chapter 36:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 36 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. There is an oracle in the depths of my being about the wickedness of the wicked: In their eyes, fearing God is useless.
  • 2. He considers himself so important that he neither recognizes nor rejects his sin.
  • 3. The words of his mouth are evil and deceitful; he has abandoned wisdom and refuses to do good.
  • 4. Even in his bed, he plans evil things; there is nothing good in his way, and he never rejects evil.
  • 5. Your love, Lord, reaches the heavens; your faithfulness extends to the clouds.
  • 6. Your righteousness is firm as the highest mountains; your decisions are unfathomable like the great ocean. You, Lord, preserve both human beings and animals.
  • 7. How precious is your love, O God! Human beings find refuge in the shadow of your wings.
  • 8. They will feast in the abundance of your house; you give them to drink from the stream of delights that emanate from you.
  • 9. For in you is the source of life; thanks to your light, we see the light.
  • 10. Extend your love to those who know you; your righteousness to the upright in heart.
  • 11. Do not allow the arrogant to trample me, nor the hand of the wicked to drive me back.
  • 12. There are the evildoers fallen, thrown to the ground, unable to rise!

Online Bible

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