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Psalms, Chapter 141:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 141 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. I cry out to you, Lord; listen to me and come quickly! Hear my voice when I cry out to you.
  • 2. May my prayer ascend to you like precious incense; And the lifting of my hands, as the evening offering.
  • 3. Lord, set a guard over my mouth; Watch the door of my lips.
  • 4. Do not allow my heart to lean toward evil, Nor allow me to engage in perverse practices with the wicked; May I never participate in your banquets!
  • 5. May the righteous rebuke me kindly; It will be like oil on my head. My prayer is against the actions of evildoers.
  • 6. When they fall into their own traps, Then they will listen to my words of warning.
  • 7. As the earth is plowed and furrowed, So the bones of the wicked are scattered at the entrance to the tomb.
  • 8. But my eyes are fixed on you, O Sovereign Lord; In you I find refuge, do not abandon me to death.
  • 9. Protect me from the traps laid against me, And from the ambushes of those who do evil.
  • 10. Let the wicked fall into their own net, While I pass through their wiles unscathed.

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