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Psalms, Chapter 138:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 138 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1. I will exalt you, O Lord, with all my being; Before the powerful, I will sing praises to You.
  • 2. In reverence for your sanctuary I will prostrate myself, And I will thank your name, for your goodness and faithfulness. For you have magnified your person and your word above all else.
  • 3. When I cried out to You, You heard me, And You strengthened my heart and my soul.
  • 4. All the kings of the earth will praise you, O Lord, For they will know your promises.
  • 5 They will proclaim the deeds of the Lord, For the glory of the Lord is great!
  • 6. Even though you reign majestically, The Lord looks upon the humble, And recognizes the arrogant from afar.
  • 7. Even in the midst of affliction, you remain with me, Preserving me from the wrath of my adversaries; You stretch out your right hand and rescue me.
  • 8. The Lord will fulfill his plan and purpose in me! Your love, O Lord, is eternal and unshakable; You will never abandon the works of your hands!

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